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  1. #1
    mtxz453 is offline Junior Member
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    What was your first cycle?

    After a couple weeks of research i still have some mixed feelings as to what steroid i should do first. I've read up a lot on Test E, Deca , and Sust and it seems like Deca is the safer and smarter choice for a first cycle but a lot of people are saying Test E but not why. I'm only 21 and am pretty sure i've reached my growth plateau as far as height etc. However with Test E it seems more likely to fuse growth plates and even if i'm done growing I don't want to run the risk. I plan on doing a light cycle for my first anyway but I just want some feedback on what everyone else used for their first cycle and what kind of results/side effects they got from it.

  2. #2
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    dont do deca only for a first a search on "Deca only" and youll see why

    first cycle should be test-e 500mg/ew for 10-12 weeks split up in 2 shots per week...pct starts 2 weeks after last shot test e is a single estered test therefore its easier to keep your blood levels stable..good luck

  3. #3
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    First thing Deca only cycles are bad in so many ways & for so many reasons because Nandrolone is known for its supressive nature it will shut you down HARD & that means you dont have anything to replace your natural Test production so you will end up gaining tons of water that you will drop after you finish not to mention you will have no sex drive "Deca D!ck"

    Your first cycle should be just test for 10 to 12wks mine was like this

    1-12 sustanon 500mg ew

    1-4 dbol 30mg

    5-12 winny 50mg ed

    1-12 nolva 20mg ed

    Pct started 24hrs after last injection of winny (Clomid & Nolvadex )

    I hope this helps!

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  4. #4
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    Know some bro's who did deca /winstrol only for 9 weeks that got pretty jacked. Don't know why so many bash deca. Libido issue is blown out of proportion. Wow some MAY experience a limp noodle, do pct after the cycle and its back.

  5. #5
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    The reason why everyone bash Deca only cycles because it got more negative than positive things about it i can name them all water gains,low sex drive, having a hard time when on pct because it shut you down so hard & you wont recover that easy from it & last but not least the famous Deca D!ck.

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  6. #6
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    Btw am not a Deca hater lol i included it in 2 of my cycles but with test not alone am against it when its used without test.

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  7. #7
    mtxz453 is offline Junior Member
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    Yea i understand the negative effects out weigh the positive effects but you still make great gains off of it and the side effects arent very serious health side effects when compared to Test. The thing i didn't think about is how hard it does drop you once your off of it and im worried about recovering my normal baseline levels once im off of it. Test E obviously is a better cycle but it has a greater chance of converting to estrogen and supposedly a lot more water retention. Now when taking anti-estrogens, is there a way to almost factor out the chance of estrogen conversion completely?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    The reason why everyone bash Deca only cycles because it got more negative than positive things about it i can name them all water gains,low sex drive, having a hard time when on pct because it shut you down so hard & you wont recover that easy from it & last but not least the famous Deca D!ck.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

    Test shuts you down hard aswell, many experience a hard time with pct on it aswell as deca. Deca builds muscle , it's not all waterweight. Test+deca lots of water retention, deca+winstrol hardly any.

  9. #9
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    But yeah, there's better alternatives.

  10. #10
    ABM is offline New Member
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    i did 250mg test once a week 12
    200 mg deca once a week for 12
    35 mg of dbol for weeks 1-4

    gained 35 lbs, kept 20-25lbs, acne like a pepperoni pizza, other than that it was all gravy

  11. #11
    mtxz453 is offline Junior Member
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    Well yea Test has a lot more water weight than Deca and i've heard you keep more gains on Deca than you do on Test, whats the best thing to take when you come off of Deca and Test?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Test shuts you down hard aswell, many experience a hard time with pct on it aswell as deca. Deca builds muscle , it's not all waterweight. Test+deca lots of water retention, deca+winstrol hardly any.
    No bro i disagree there is a research done on Nandrolone & it shows how hard for the natural test production to comeback from it, it came back but it took alot of time more than when using test or any other compunds i'll try to find that research & post it it will help alot great infos there.

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    No bro i disagree there is a research done on Nandrolone & it shows how hard for the natural test production to comeback from it, it came back but it took alot of time more than when using test or any other compunds i'll try to find that research & post it it will help alot great infos there.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

    Cool find it I will read it.

    Once shut down, It would seem it would take the same amount to recover from each. Nandrolones are hard on the HPTA. So 200mgs of Deca will shut you down, and it would take alittle longer for test to shut you down, but all in all you will be shutdown from both.

  14. #14
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    Sure bro i'll try to find it now & post it

  15. #15
    nitroexpress's Avatar
    nitroexpress is offline Junior Member
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    my first cycle was 600 mgs test enthate per week for 18 weeks. ained 32 pounds but kept 24 of it.

  16. #16
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    parked in yo momma
    im an ecto so when i did sus 500mg/wk and blew up like a tick i was lovin it. then it went away. any test is like rent-a-muscle, but its like renting a ferrari cuz when u got it its so fun.

  17. #17
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    Sorry HellMask i just searched 10 pages & couldnt find it too bad i cant prove my point but hey lets look at the bright side thiswas a great thread am happy that we talked about this subject i'll try to find the research in other time & i'll make a thread about it it will be great.

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  18. #18
    Join Date
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    parked in yo momma
    Quote Originally Posted by nitroexpress
    my first cycle was 600 mgs test enthate per week for 18 weeks. ained 32 pounds but kept 24 of it.
    now there is a good first cycle imo. what did u do for pct?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    Sorry HellMask i just searched 10 pages & couldnt find it too bad i cant prove my point but hey lets look at the bright side thiswas a great thread am happy that we talked about this subject i'll try to find the research in other time & i'll make a thread about it it will be great.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    No problem bro. When you find it remember to make a thread, would be very interesting.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by spittin' 'n cussin'
    now there is a good first cycle imo. what did u do for pct?

    I think it was to long and he didn't need that high of a dosage with his first run. I'm sure the gains were good, but almost half a year "on" your first run is to long.

  21. #21
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by mtxz453
    Yea i understand the negative effects out weigh the positive effects but you still make great gains off of it and the side effects arent very serious health side effects when compared to Test. The thing i didn't think about is how hard it does drop you once your off of it and im worried about recovering my normal baseline levels once im off of it. Test E obviously is a better cycle but it has a greater chance of converting to estrogen and supposedly a lot more water retention. Now when taking anti-estrogens, is there a way to almost factor out the chance of estrogen conversion completely?

    Pretty sure u need estrogen just not excessive amounts, so I don't think totally blocking your estrogen wld be wise....

  22. #22
    mtxz453 is offline Junior Member
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    I know everyone talks about mass gains, but what kind of strength gains was everyone getting?

  23. #23
    TantruM is offline Associate Member
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    1-12 test e 800mg a week... 1-12 eq 400mg weekly... 12-20 700mg test prop a week shots ed...

  24. #24
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    First thing Deca only cycles are bad in so many ways & for so many reasons because Nandrolone is known for its supressive nature it will shut you down HARD & that means you dont have anything to replace your natural Test production so you will end up gaining tons of water that you will drop after you finish not to mention you will have no sex drive "Deca D!ck"

    Your first cycle should be just test for 10 to 12wks mine was like this

    1-12 sustanon 500mg ew

    1-4 dbol 30mg

    5-12 winny 50mg ed

    1-12 nolva 20mg ed

    Pct started 24hrs after last injection of winny (Clomid & Nolvadex )

    I hope this helps!

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    correct me if im wrong but pct starts 3 weeks after your last sust shot because of the 2 long acting esters in there...and your winny went right up to your sust...a better approach would be using the winny right up until pct but stopping test 3 weeks before...that way you still have an anabolic compound with a short half life going through you while you are not injecting test

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