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Thread: winstrol advice plz

  1. #1

    winstrol advice plz

    Hi, im 16 yrs old and have been taking 30mg a day of the apex winstrol- stanoplex. that's quite an average doseage but apparantly the reason why winstrol tablets dont work is that people dont take enough compared to what they would take when using winstrol depot. should i 1. take 50mg a day? or 2. get some winstrol depot and have daily 50mg injections? i am currently preparing for a contest btw.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    At 16yrs old you should even be considering taking AAS, you have enough hormones floating round your body at your age to really grow well, i would concentrate on your diet and training program and get a few years under your belt of hard training before taking AAS.

    also your under age to use this site!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    yah dude, your going to be banned pretty quick, but before you are - i would suggest you inject winny as oppose to take the pills

    w/ you age, make sure you dont slack on doing Squats, it helps your body release GH somehow

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    you should NOT be taking steroids at 16...period! The only thing youre gonna do is gonna damage your body.

    Besides you cant even be on this site until youre 18, which is a sign you shouldnt be taking them and from the sounds of it, you dont even know how to use them correctly and safely

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    3) stop taikng aas for at least 6 years and concentrate all your efforts into diet and training
    4) get banned from the site cause your to young

    I will choose both of the above. soory dudue but your to young and should stop NOW before you do some serious damge to yourself.

  6. #6
    rite, thank u for all the advice, and, lol, i will probs be banned soon by the sound of whats been said, so see y'all later

  7. #7
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    i idint want to be a d1ck, but i am just concerned that you will do some actuall damge to yourself. no one here wants you to get hurt and we are all just looking out for you. look into some natural supps instead and focus on your diet. also dont sign up as a member just come on here as a guest and look through the diet forum and training forum for some good ideas. hope this shelps, later bro.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    my budy was an all star running back his junuar year he,he rushed for over 500 yards by his 4th game and were a 6a school, he took aas and his senior year he rushed les than 300 through the whole season, and it was becouse of injeries, every time we hit him hard or not he hurt something, trust me dude its not worth it im 19 and i havn't doen it yet and don't plan on it for a couple years. you need to wait untill your body hits atleast 1 or 2 more groseburts. just eat right and eat a lot,creatine, protein, and carbs bro it wil get you the farthest in lifting at our age. but if you do becarfull goodluck bro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The dirty Jersey
    yea bro im only 20 and a couple of my buddies did it in highschool and didnt really know wat they were doin and now they got some health problems and they anit big so def wait altleast until after highschool and research it

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