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  1. #1
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
    LAGMuXle is offline Member
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    6 Months Off and nipples are starting to itch again...

    Hey Bros,

    I have been off for about 6 Months now.

    About 3 weeks ago, I ended my SECOND PCT consisting of:

    Nolva 30mg ED
    Letro 2.5mg for 7 days, 1.25mg for 5 days, then .5mg ED for remainder of 4 weeks.

    Just the other day, about two days ago to more specific, my nipples became very sensitive and seem puffy, and ITCH like crazy.

    Someone mentioned to me "estrogen rebound" because I may have taken too much letro... any thoughts on this?

    I can't tell if it's lumps, or just normal tissue and some fat around the nipples. Nothing is "rock hard" but there is tissue surrounding my nipples.

    Should I do another PCT? This time using clomid? I have plenty of that. But will that reduce the puffy nipples and any bumps that may be developing?

    I do not have a doctor to visit locally. I've checked with the local gym and there aren't any doctors nearby that know what they are talking about.. they just want to lecture. So, I thought I would post here to see what you guys had to say.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
    LAGMuXle is offline Member
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    Bump guys... kind of important. Kind of nervous.

  3. #3
    UCFTransam's Avatar
    UCFTransam is offline Junior Member
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    *bump for the guy

  4. #4
    Swisher509 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    yea man same problem, i can rub my nipples and it looks normal tho bump

  5. #5
    jamphoo is offline Junior Member
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    I would like to know to I have been off for two months and now nips are burning finished pct 3 weeks ago have doc appointmant Fri foor blood work maybe it will show why.

  6. #6
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
    LAGMuXle is offline Member
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    Ok guys this is what I've come up with.

    I've done a little bit of reading in the PCT forum, which is where I posted this a second time.

    We all may be experiencing the same thing... here is what I've come to believe is my personal situation;

    Estrogen rebound.

    Some of you may have heard of this before. This is when your body's natural estrogen production is shut down by an anti-estrogen such as Letrozole . When you come off of the Letrozole, you need to continue Nolva for a couple of weeks to "slowly" allow your estrogen to build back up. If you discontinue both on the same day (as I did) you will create an estrogen rebound, where your body produces more estrogen than needed. Thus, causing you to have gyno symptoms, or any other related symptoms.

    I am going to do a third PCT soon consisting of:

    Wks 1-3: 25mg Aromasin ED
    Wks 1-5: 40mg Nolva ED

    Due to aromasins irreversible aspects, it should lower my estrogen to the correct state and not allow a sudden estrogen rebound.

    Any suggestions will be appreciated.


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