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Thread: question on cycle

  1. #1

    question on cycle

    I'm running test prop,anavar and T4. Any problem running LR3IGF1 along with this gear? Also do you use slin dart to inject IGF` in muscle you worked PWO? Thanx for any help you could provide or input.
    Imagine the sound of two oranges being nailed together. Unfounded uh?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    it's no problem running igf1 with with gear some people like to leave for pct though

    also yes you use a slin pin if you can a 50iu syringe would be easyer to meassure

  3. #3

    Smile storage of R3IGF1

    Bless you and thanks for the reply, sometimes I feel like people can smell my breath through the computer. One other question IGF1 is compounded with sodium chloride so should I store it in fridge? And thanx again Respectively Sincere, BL

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by BigLiver
    Bless you and thanks for the reply, sometimes I feel like people can smell my breath through the computer. One other question IGF1 is compounded with sodium chloride so should I store it in fridge? And thanx again Respectively Sincere, BL

    yes keep the igf1 in the fridge

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    No problems with running IGF along side your gear....that is the LR3 peptide correct?? Much easier to measure using the 1/2 cc insulin syringes. Make sure you have some bacteriostatic water as your dilutant.

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