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  1. #1
    joop is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2005

    bicep swollen and sore 2 days after injection

    So I injected 1.5ml (90mg) of tren into my bicep two days ago... injection went fine, but the next day it was kinda sore. Now two days later it's still sore and pretty swollen. There's no blemishes on the skin and it's not hot to touch, just swollen and sore... I can't even straighten my arm fully.

    Needless to say I'm a little concerned.

    Could anybody give me some advice on what this might be?


  2. #2
    vestax's Avatar
    vestax is offline Member
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    hey bro some people's bodys dont like the acetate ester (so I've heard)...My body hates test prop and after I shoot it I am sore for like 4-5 days after for the first week and then I keep shooting in it once the oil dissipates and its as if your muscles get used to it. Peoples bodies respond different to the BA in it too

    whats the %BA %BB and concentration of your tren ? If you don't know check it may say on the bottle

  3. #3
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    1.5ml seems like a bit much of oil. I don't like to go over 1ml and mine a 17.25". Anything over 1ml and it feels like I'd rather saw my arm off then deal with that pain for the next few days. You could try cutting your tren with something else depending on what you're using. If you're doing a prop/tren cycle it might be a bad idea because prop can be very irritable also. If all else fails you could get some b12 and cut 0.5ml with the tren and do 2 shots instead of one. Kinda sucks but I bet you won't get that same feeling in your arm if you were to cut it.

  4. #4
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    I've noticed that some of those smaller muscle areas tend to get a little tighter a day or so after injection. Could be a lot of factors. Most likely your bodies reaction to the tren . After I hit biceps, I feel a bit sore for a few days after even if I am using a relatively mild compound.

  5. #5
    joop is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vestax
    whats the %BA %BB and concentration of your tren? If you don't know check it may say on the bottle
    I'm not sure on this, but it's **'s gear.

    Weird thing is that I have been on this cycle now for 2wks and have not had anything like this before, even after doing bi injections. I've also done many previous cycles with the same gear... although this was a new jug, let's hope this one just has more BA.

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