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  1. #1
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    Planning a basic cycle


    I'm planning a very basic cycle before summer starts. It will be these components:

    25amps Sustanon 250
    1000 D-Bol BDSpacer (for kick-start)
    Nolvadex (for PCT)

    I decided to leave out clomid because I remember that during my last cycle I started acting in a strange type of way and I don't like that feeling. It also made me very, very moody.

    I figured that I'd go through this cycle this way:

    Two amps of Sustanon each week coupled with 10 dianabol (5mg) each day. For the DBols I will start the way I always have done; first day 2 tablets, second day 3 tables and so forth and so on, increasing until I finally reach 10 tablets per day. I examined my liver after the previous cycle which was basically the same one as this, except lower dosages of both Sustanon and DBol , and it was not damaged, the doctor said it was very healthy.

    So what do you all think? It's a very basic cycle and I haven't touched this stuff since two years, which is why I will go easy and not include a bunch of other products. I'll do that next time, a more serious and well-planned cycle.

    Have I missed anything?

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Bro I think the dbol shouldnt be pyramided like that just go straight to 50mg ED, your blood levels will be more constant that way. I presume you will be doing one amp of Sust twice a week ?

    Nolvadex only PCT is starting to become more accepted, let us know how it goes.

  3. #3
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    Hi Kale,

    That was what I figured would be the best way also, but my last cycle worked out good when pyramiding it the way I explained it.

    For this cycle I'll take your advice of using 50mg straight away without successively building up. It'll probably work out good in whatever way.

    As for the Sustanon , I'll be doing as you wrote, one amp twice a week - unless there is a better way of doing it. I used two amps twice a week during my last cycle as well but I ran out of amps that time and couldn't get any new ones, but the cycle turned out good anyway and I was pleased with the results. So it should be interesting to see how a full-cycle of Sustanon turns out this time.

  4. #4
    Booz's Avatar
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    what are your stats mate??
    unless you are running prop you should be running the sust at least 10-12 weeks,8 weeks is too short imo!

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    what are your stats mate??
    unless you are running prop you should be running the sust at least 10-12 weeks,8 weeks is too short imo!
    Agreed. Some of the esters will kick in quickly, others wont activate fully till 8+ weeks (Deconate). This is why its suggested to run it for longer. As Booz has stated. I'd go 14 weeks.

  6. #6
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    what are your stats mate??
    unless you are running prop you should be running the sust at least 10-12 weeks,8 weeks is too short imo!
    Been working out seriously for about 5 years, and have been somewhat inactive the last two years because of a tragedy in my life, which involved the loss of a loved one, now I am finally heading towards feeling somewhat better and I feel I can begin to workout properly again.

    I have been working out minimally during the tragedy, but not as much as one should be doing.

    Would you like to know anything else?

    I plan on using the Sustanon for about 12 weeks. It worked great the last time I used it, but I am of course open for other suggestions as well!

    Thanks for the replies.
    Last edited by k0nsl; 03-23-2006 at 12:04 PM.

  7. #7
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    Yeah, I could probably run it for more than 12 weeks. Nothing is settled yet besides the dbols - I have yet to make up my mind on what injectable to use. But as I wrote above, I was very pleased with the Sustanon during my last cycle....

  8. #8
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Mate I would get a few more months workouts under my belt before I did another cycle if I was you, just so that you get the most out of it.

  9. #9
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    You're probably very right regarding that. I've been pushing pretty hard the last three months now, and before that, as I wrote, things were going very slow. But I feel well now and I am eating properly.

    I could of course scratch the whole concept of using AAS for at least another year. Don't get me wrong there. I just got what looks to be a good deal and perhaps I could just let the gear rest for a while until I have got in a better shape?

    What do you suggest. Intense workout for about three months and then start the cycle? Mmmm..

  10. #10
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Mate I would get a few more months workouts under my belt before I did another cycle if I was you, just so that you get the most out of it.

  11. #11
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Well is you have only been working out three months hard, I would give it another nine months. The gear will keep believe me. You will probably gain a fair bit in the nine months naturally anyway

  12. #12
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    I'll try to follow your advice. It sounds logical.

    However, if I end up using the stuff without working out another nine months I will come back with some results.

    The motivation is on the top and everything, but I don't know if I'll be able to wait another nine months, although it is certainly the most intelligent choice. I fully agree.

    We'll see.

  13. #13
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Mate I would get a few more months workouts under my belt before I did another cycle if I was you, just so that you get the most out of it.
    FYI, I took your advice

    Been bulking the whole time and now I am feeling much better overall. I've also had my eye on theoretical cycles and so...

    Still, I will not be using any gear until about eight more weeks.

    This is what I am looking at currently:

    500/mg Primobolan per week (12 weeks)
    500/mg Testosterone Enanthate per week (12 weeks)
    60/mg Methandienone per day for 6 weeks

    Naturally PCT is planned as usual (Clomid and Nolvadex will be it). I think if I had the chance to do my "first time cycle" again it would look similar to what I have planned above. It is nearly perfect for me.

    When I do start I will post more information.

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