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Thread: Holy Shit It Hurts!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Holy Shit It Hurts!!!

    I have had a few painful shots but when i woke up today.. ithought i was going to pass out.i put high concentrate test cyp and deca in the same needle does it make a difference... total of about 900mgs in there. now there is a baseball on my ass. its kinda funny but it hurts.. what to do? heating pad..? rub it? any info ? i guess i should split them up next time

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    PUnch yourself in the mouth. Hard. It won't take the pain away from your ass, but it will distract you.

    Seriously, you didn't indicate how many cc's you did in total, but any time you inject more than two cc's, split up the shot so you don't inject it all into any one site. If you are using something that has a high alcohol content, the more you inject into one site, the more it will hurt. (I assume you're doing non-U.S. or Canadian cyp. Foreign test generally has a higher BA content, which can burn like hell.)

    You can, of course, mix different substances in the same syringe, but make sure they have the same base - oil with oil, water with water - don't mix oil-based and water-based substances. But do watch out when it comes to quantity. If you did it all in one butt cheek, splitting it up between your cheeks next time will help prevent this.

    You can use the same needle for injecting two sites at the same time, but I still recommend using separate needles. (Face it, we spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on gear, but when it comes to a $0.30 needle we tend to skimp. That doesn't jive.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Rink!!
    try advil

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Give me your gear and I will kick you in the nuts and we'll call it even. But seriously I would listen to what TNT said. Also if you are just doing 900mgs once a week you may want to divide the shots into two different days. Maybe, Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. JMO

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Great point, Butch . . .

    I agree with Butch's suggestion to divide the shots into different days (3-4 days apart). In addition to huring less, it will help you avoid the peak-and-valley effects of doing high doses of cyp.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    Originally posted by TNT
    ...don't mix oil-based and water-based substances....
    Just curious why you say this TNT. I have done it before with no problems and know many that have. Many i have talked to on the boards too have had no problems with this and no one has given a good reason why you can't.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    Originally posted by marx
    Just curious why you say this TNT. I have done it before with no problems and know many that have. Many i have talked to on the boards too have had no problems with this and no one has given a good reason why you can't.
    To tell you the truth, it's just the way things are done.

    I know that sounds lame, but it probably goes back to the old expression, "Oil and water don't mix." It's standard practice in medicine that you don't do them in the same syringe at the same time. Another factor is that you normally use different size pins - 20 to 23 g. for oil-based and 25 g. for water based. (That's why, for test, it's usually recommended that you use a draw needle and switch to a different injection pin once you have drawn into the syringe, while you can draw and inject with the same needle for water-based gear).

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Van City
    Originally posted by TNT
    To tell you the truth, it's just the way things are done.

    I know that sounds lame, but it probably goes back to the old expression, "Oil and water don't mix." It's standard practice in medicine that you don't do them in the same syringe at the same time. Another factor is that you normally use different size pins - 20 to 23 g. for oil-based and 25 g. for water based. (That's why, for test, it's usually recommended that you use a draw needle and switch to a different injection pin once you have drawn into the syringe, while you can draw and inject with the same needle for water-based gear).
    ummmm...ok? I have talked to a few people in the medical field, and they say the same thing. Although no one knows why, and when they think about it, they say you should be able to. Of course oil and water don't mix, but they don't have to in this case, it'll all end up in the proper place. There's no point taking 2 shots when you can put it all in one syringe IMO. And i shoot all my oil base through a 25, so the pin size doesn't really have anything to do with it in my case. You just have to be careful when pushing the plunger when the oil switches to water, be ready for the water to inject much faster. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why people say not too, if you check other boards, there's LOTS of people that have done it with NO problems whatsoever...

  9. #9
    good point, bump for more opinions adn experiences.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    I personally wouldnt mix water and oil based steroids..thats just my preference =\

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Van City
    Originally posted by D3m3nt3d
    I personally wouldnt mix water and oil based steroids..thats just my preference =\
    Any reasoning behind this???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    LMFAO Butch

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    You don't mix oil and water based gear because of the differing types of depots employed. Water based steroids are designed to create a crystal depot that releases in the blood stream as the crystals dissolve. Oil based gear forms an oil depot that releases in a more controlled and slower manner. Most water suspended gear is quick hitting compared to the oil suspensions.
    When you mix the two, you have competing types of depots in smaller pockets in the same area. if you convert the ester to an oil suspension via a "kit", then this is not a problem, but personally, I think steroids should be left to work in the way they were designed........and 900mg in one spot is too much and will hurt. Heating pads and deep tissue massage will help.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    Originally posted by ironmaster
    You don't mix oil and water based gear because of the differing types of depots employed. Water based steroids are designed to create a crystal depot that releases in the blood stream as the crystals dissolve. Oil based gear forms an oil depot that releases in a more controlled and slower manner. Most water suspended gear is quick hitting compared to the oil suspensions.
    When you mix the two, you have competing types of depots in smaller pockets in the same area. if you convert the ester to an oil suspension via a "kit", then this is not a problem, but personally, I think steroids should be left to work in the way they were designed........and 900mg in one spot is too much and will hurt. Heating pads and deep tissue massage will help.
    Thank you very much ironmaster, that was the answer i was looking for...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    ok update!

    the baseball is now a grapefruit! how do i make the swelling go down. it was 2.5 cc. 400mg/ml of each.. also starting to think that i shot too high on my ass.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Brother, I know how you feel....I had lumps all over from high BA content Tt products. I still have scar tissue from this. Have you tried the heat and massage? You may need to get this drained if it doesn't go away, or if it becomes inflamed.
    Now I hate to say this, because no one should do this, but I inserted a 22 gauge dart right in the middle of the lump, and drained it myself.....after a few shots of Jim Beam. I just didn't feel like discussing it with my hick doctor. I took a couple weeks of antibiotics as well.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    Damn Iron that is what we call taking matters into your own hands. You are one rough MFer. If I took a few shots of Jim and tried to do that I would of sucked everything out of my ass!

    Just thinking about that makes me want to give you my gear and have you kick me in the nuts.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Damn Butch,, you are a funny MoFo!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    My actions were a little off the wall. I considered reinjecting the shit.....had to be a lot of test in there with the oil and pus. I would claim to be hardcore if I'd done it.
    Truth is, I think the BA causes scar tissue that prevents the injected oil from dispersing into the the depot keeps building up. Cause it's not really an infection. Any of you guys who have done years of injections are familiar with that crunchy feeling as the needle goes into a overused scarred up area.
    Darn, I thought butch was serious......I was sending him my addy. I'll have my woman kick him in the nuts, tho....she's had a lot of practise.... on me.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    its long and red

    the area is now about 6 inches long and 4 inches wide. it sticks up pretty high now. should i wait a few dasy and see what happens? or should i go get it drained?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    If it's red, make an appointment with the doc on Mon.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    I just did my 2nd deca shot today. It hurts like a mfer too. My test cyp shots dont hurt at all, never. It just seems the deca is harder to push in the glute for some reason. Last week it hurt for about a day or two and then went away. I dont have a lump or raised area. I inject and then went to the gym and just did 1000lbs on the leg press. NO I am not saying its due to the deca, its too soon. Just saying that my ass is sore and it is probably a combo of working the glutes and the shot. Any chance you just did legs or something?

    Hang in their, cooksbrut deca shots do seem to make me sore too. Keep everyone advised as to how you are doing here on AR. Some really good mates here that have been through what you are going through and can give you great views. What brand of deca are you using? Any chance its from a compounding pharmacy in the US? Reason why I ask was I wounder if it the same I am using check out the lot number. I am going to PM you with the number let me know if this is it, is so we are using the same.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    its seems as though it is not as bad as before..... if i sit for long periods of time it gets worse......walking hurts but seems to loosen it up.... why go to the doc if it is red?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Redness is a sign of infection or abcess. Just a lump? big deal.

  25. #25
    hey got the same problem friday night i injected
    3cc's as usual twice weekly rotating it just finishing my 4th week and saturday morning man i was on pain couldnt walk 1st time experiencing it i'm not too worry is not red just a lump which i can see 1 cheek is way bigger than the other one,
    i soaked a hand towel in hot water couple of times the pain was less and then i masseged it with FLEX ALL 454 i was able to sleep the lump still the same what r your reccommendations about it?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    OK really I'd have to know the total volume of the injection and your past experiences. I have inject 5cc of Enanth with almost no pain (glutes) but have shot 2cc of Sustanon in the glutes and couldn't walk for a week. And it's cool to mix the Deca with your Cyp. too.
    As regards mixing oil and water based drugs, I've done it in the past and will do it again. But if your injecting a water based steroid do as TNT said and shot with a small 25g pin, but DRAWN and SHOOT with different pins. I wouldn't fancy putting a blunt pin in anywhere. I have it in the past when I'd be in a hurry and would forget to change pins, only noticing when I'd have to hammer the dart through my muscle tissue!, not nice!.

  27. #27
    as far as me go i had injected maximum 6cc's
    arm and ass all i had was pain, this last time
    were 3cc's used new needle dont know what i did
    wrong just a little concern, up to now pain and
    lump still there i'll just wait couple of more days see new results.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Just went to the doctor........ HE IS A SMUCK!!!! i told what was going on.. after his 15 minute leture on the con's of using ASS he told me to take an antibiotic. then said that if it gets worse to go the hospital. eased my mind a bit... i then ask him for suggestions maybe better injecting info or a few ideas .. just anything at all. he told me that he would tell me anything becaus he didn't agree with it.. i asked and ssaid would you rather have me be safe and he shoo his head.... so opened up the door(whicj he was standing behind and slammed him between the wall and the door) immature yes..but very unhelpful from him.. then he follwed me out in front of everyone at the waiting room and exclaimed that i never return there again. all in all it wasn't too

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    F*cking doctors. I think it was smart of you to ask about being and doing it safe. You are already doing the gear, why not just help you out. However not all doctors are this big of pricks. Hang in there Cooks!

    You know you should of kicked him in the nuts and raided his gear cabinet!! :P

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    man I am sorry this happen to you. Next time try and find a doctor that treats aids patient a lot. They are more aware of gear and all. You should be able to call the aids foundation and they can give you some doctors that do this in your home town. I know you dont have aids they are just better to work with many times because they write a lot of scripts for gear to aids wasting and all.

    SOrry again this happen, but be proud of yourself for getting checked out. Sounds like its going to be ok.

    You need to work on your temper however, and I would say it has nothing to do with the gear your on either. Be careful when you are around medical people like that next time bro.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I'm just following this thread to see what funny shit butch is going to say next... oh, hang on, somebodies at the door.. If I open it and somebody kicks me in the nuts and grabs my gear.........
    Last edited by ripped4fsu; 06-04-2002 at 10:53 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Ripped, you'll be okay if someone kicks you in the nuts, only, if you are on test. Your nuts will be so small the chances of them hittin it are slim to none....and look slim just left the building.

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