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Thread: Eq and Var

  1. #1
    k bizzle is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006
    your mom

    Eq and Var

    So I've never really heard anyone talk about this. Would Eq and Anavar be a good cycle? Or are they too similar in the fact that they both put on incredible strenth and give a hard, vascular look? Just tryin to decide on which one to go with and I couldn't decide so I thought maybe both.

    Goals are not much weight gain, but very lean muscle and lots of strength. 6'1''. 200lbs. 14% bf?

  2. #2
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Most people would suggest a test of some sort to incorporate in that cycle but i have seen people who had good results with just those 2 compunds..

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