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im 23 yo,6'2,215lbs, 15.4% BF
Meal1: 8-10 egg white,.5 cup oats
Training for 1 and half hr
PWO shake, 50gm protein isloate,60-70 gm dextrose
Meal2: 200 gm chicken,brown rice sometimes
Meal3: 4 egg white,protein shake(40gm), flax seed oil
Meal4: can of tuna, almonds
Meal5:120gm chicken wit flax seed oil
Meal6: shake wit chicken and cottage cheese
i do cardio 5 times a week for about 30-40 mins, and train for 1 day off, 1 day on split, and im lifting for over 3 yrs now
After doing some search and reading differnt Forms and gettin feedback previoulsy before from members i come up wit this cylce and im sure its not perfect, thats why i need second look at it by u guys
Weeks 10
100mg Test Prop EOD
20mg nolvadex ED
and i was told to take Anti E i.e letro to combat the estrogen and to avoid unnecessaey bloating
and for PCT
week 10-13
20 mg nolvadex ED
50 mg CLomid ED
should i need to add anything else like TestE, Tren or T3
any kinda feedback will help and plzz critisize my post
looking fwd: to ur replies