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Thread: Damn You Mexico!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast

    Damn You Mexico!!!!!!!!!

    man i remember all the post and seeing the news about how all the mex companys production was being shut down but, i really paid it no mine since a lot of people were saying that it would really effect us and that we would still be able to head down to mex and buy some gear. so on sat i went down there with a friend ready to get our cycles and we get to our reg place and all of their shit was gone!!!!! and that place is usually stocked up big time. so we said f it and was going to buy what we could until this mexican dude in a "policia"jump suit comes in and ask for some deca, winstrol, anadrol abd, anavar, and starts lookin at us hella funny. so we left and went to the next best place. we get in there and they have more stuff then the other one, but it was all syd group and a lil qv, the people there looked super shady too. so we didnt end up getting anything, planning on hitting up rosarito sometime in the next few weeks.wish me luck.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    same here bro, and i just began my cycle 3 weeks ago, now impossible to get here in Tj. i live here and still can't get $hit. I don't know of any places in rosarito that have that...where they at?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    sh1t i was hoping that someone would reply to this thread with that info, cus i sure as hell dont know.any1????????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i will soon be going to jaurez, to get on super test 250. Hopefully they got something there. any word?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    damn juarez is too far away. never even been there so info, sorry dude.

  6. #6
    what the hell? TJ got shut down? Are you guys serious? I was about to go pick up when I go home for spring break(orange county) ****!

    So the whole city is dry? What about the vet store next to the big white arches? Thats my shit right there they've always had everything I needed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Smiley619
    man i remember all the post and seeing the news about how all the mex companys production was being shut down but, i really paid it no mine since a lot of people were saying that it would really effect us and that we would still be able to head down to mex and buy some gear. so on sat i went down there with a friend ready to get our cycles and we get to our reg place and all of their shit was gone!!!!! and that place is usually stocked up big time. so we said f it and was going to buy what we could until this mexican dude in a "policia"jump suit comes in and ask for some deca, winstrol, anadrol abd, anavar, and starts lookin at us hella funny. so we left and went to the next best place. we get in there and they have more stuff then the other one, but it was all syd group and a lil qv, the people there looked super shady too. so we didnt end up getting anything, planning on hitting up rosarito sometime in the next few weeks.wish me luck.
    why didnt you just go to the pharmacies and get human grade? why does everybody want vet? just as easy to get human in TJ

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    ok, juarez (smart n final vet store) is a done deal, but they do have super test. depending on the cycle you want you still may beable to go there. i never liked the vet place by the arches, they were always way more exspensive then the others, so i wouldnt know about that i think about it ima dumb ass for not stopping in there on my walk back to the border. if rosarito doesnt treat me good, it will have to be the arch or the one on the strip. other then that i would say we are shit outta luck.domestic time

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    how about buying it online. Maybe you guys should start looking international if you can't find any in Mex.

  10. #10
    Arent you worried about driving cross the border with the gear?
    Ive been to TJ a few times---scared as hell when I go thru---and i never ever brought anything across.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Remington
    Arent you worried about driving cross the border with the gear?
    Ive been to TJ a few times---scared as hell when I go thru---and i never ever brought anything across.
    im a tj vet, i have been going down there since i was 16 on the weekly basis, so coming across with pretty much anything never bothers me. seal it and pack it right and all you gotta do is answer two questions....whats your citizenship and what are you bringing back from mexico today....and before you know it your back on the 805 or 5!

    where most people are scared about bringing shit back from mex, im scared of ordering online and having anything ship to my house. i have had bad luck when it comes to roids and have been scammed a handful of times, thats why i like to do my own dirty work now, so if something happens its only me to blame.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I mean to only way they will catch you is if your shitin bricks, or you look like you just robbed a bank, other than that act normal and just be able to answer the questions they ask you in a timely manner. thats all there is to it.

    Smiley, good way to put it. They also sometimes ask you what were you in mexico for? UMMMMMMM, DONT SAY STEROIDS
    Last edited by mindongoal; 02-28-2006 at 11:39 AM.

  13. #13
    Yea I used to bring all kinds of stuff back from TJ in highschool before I even juiced. So bringing back roids one day never really bothered me. I had 2 friends that got caught though hahah it was hilarious 2 huge guys in cut off tee's. They tried to walk through and got searched. Thats why I always drive now.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Remington
    Arent you worried about driving cross the border with the gear?
    Ive been to TJ a few times---scared as hell when I go thru---and i never ever brought anything across.
    Some guys just go down there once a week or so and get some sustanon or test e. That way you can cycle without breaking any laws. Smuggling stuff back is a very different story.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    yeah i know a few guys who go down for their weekly shots, i even thought about it because i have a few friends that live in tj, but damn thats a big hassle. and man your 2 swole ass friends have nothing on my two dumb ass friends. these guys were driving down there, got a flat, changed the tire but put the old one in the back seat of his mustang.decided to get stupid drunk (under 21 as well). got the gear and put it in the spot of the spare in the trunk!. so when they got up to the front it was obvious that they were drunk, the agent saw the tire in the back, found the roids in the trunk, along with a stolen bullet proof vest! they were arrested, one was fined 5 g's and the other 10g's because it was his second offense.some ppl amaze me.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    there is a shuttle bus at the last U.S. exit, take that downtown and then back out, they have their own line for customs quick and easy. i will have a bag of stuff, blanket, t shirts ect and my gear right in same bag, they ask what i got i tell them something and they wave me through, but i dont buy vet gear anyway

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    the only problem with that is that they are making EVERYBODY put their bags on the xray machine. was down there last week and they were logging every1's info into the comps as well.

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