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Thread: Everything in order?

  1. #1

    Question Everything in order?

    Alright, i have researched this for along time. I have been on this board (not posting) for a few years and for my goals i am going to be running a Winny Tab cycle at 50mg a Day for 6 weeks. I know I know, the dreaded "winny only" cycle, most of you probably already closed this thread thinking im another 'spring break idiot' . I am 24, 6'4" 235 pounds, bf floating around 12% i'd say, (total guess, haha) I have been lifting and training hard (seriously and properly) for the last 4-5 years, ..always worked out before that but had a slack regiment. I have never ran any cycles and have naturally always had a big build (Thank god for height).I have had my Diet in great shape for awhile now. I consume about 350g of protein a day, around the 3000 calorie mark and try to keep my fat down as much as possible. Weight-gain is not what im going for, im just looking to harden up a bit and better my vascularity a bit. I was origionally going to run anavar but prices and availability turned me to Winny. I understand and have researched extensivley what comes with winny, ie. dry joints, Hairloss if prone and getting 'shut-down.' I know the common response to this is to run test-E as a first cycle but its just not what im looking for.

    Here is what i plan to take, please critique and let me know if i am missing anything. (besides the test, )

    50 mg Winstrol (25mg tab in Am and one in the Pm)
    Strong Multivitamin
    2000mg Vitamin C
    Flax Seed Oil (3g's Three times a day w/meals)
    Milk Thistle 1000mg (500mg in the AM, 500mg in the PM)
    Glucosamine 1500mg (750mg's Twice a day) **Might add chrondoitin
    Nizoral 2% shampoo Daily

    PCT will be Clomid for 2-3 weeks being taken starting 8-12 hours after the last Win Tab.

    Any opinions/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    well good luck with it, don't forget to post your results.

  3. #3
    I will for sure.

    No comments on this one eh? I think i got my shit together but people dont want to say much either way because its a winny cycle, hahaha.
    Last edited by CheckerChest; 02-28-2006 at 06:17 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Much better off taking 50mgs AM & PM.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Richmond, Virgina
    Quote Originally Posted by CheckerChest
    I will for sure.

    No comments on this one eh? I think i got my shit together but people dont want to say much either way because its a winny cycle, hahaha.
    No comments because you're not willing to listen to them and you "got all your sh!t together" what do you want bro???

  6. #6
    I am always willing to listen, never stated otherwise. Always appreciate feedback. the "I think i got my sh!t together" was more of a "I hope i do please let me know" just stated wrong

    Much better off taking 50mgs AM & PM.
    I have friends that have seen good results with 50mgs ED who are similar build with similar training/diet as me, thats why i went with 50mg. Ill see how it goes


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    sounds like you have it figured out

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