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  1. #1
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    Red face Hows this tren cycle look?

    Ok this is going to be my second cycle, and i know most people say dont do tren enanthate first and dont do tren first couple cycles. How does this look? my first cycle was test cyp 400 mg/week for 12 weeks.

    weeks 1-8 tren enanthate 300mg/week
    weeks 1-12 test cypionate 500mg/week
    weeks 1-16 liquidex @ .25mg ed
    pct weeks 14-17 nolva and clomid.

    any input would be greatly appreciated? what can i expect as far as compared to my first test cycle?

  2. #2
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    If you know ppl will say those things don't you think they are said for a reason? Why wouldn't you just disregard any other info we give you that you don't like. lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Have you purchased the tren yet? Hope it goes well because if you get bad sides from the tren E they'll hit you for weeks. Good Luck

  4. #4
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    im gonna get bad sides i know that, im not planning on ditching my cycle for a couple bad sides... but why all the bad stuff about this? whats gonna be so bad? i dont get it

  5. #5
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I'd use Tren acetate if your heart is content on using Tren for your second cycle. Using an enanthate ester will hold the compound in your body for a couple weeks before sides subside, much better to have the option to drop it and clear in a few days wouldn't you say? Also this is your first run with Tren so you don't know how you will react.

    Why are you so content on Tren anyhow, you are basically still a virgin.

  6. #6
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    tren seems like such a good steroid , why waste time with other ones? what kind of sides are gonna be so bad that i dont want to continue my cycle? im not even running a high dosage...

  7. #7
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Do a search, It's like you haven't researched a bit before proposing this cycle. Start with the Tren Profile and then run a search on Tren sides. Very simple.
    This should get you started... (Same as Tren enanthate but it has a shorter ester.)

  8. #8
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    ive researched tren a lot, i know im probably gonna get some sides but thats something ive learned to accept... 300mg/week is such a low dosage

  9. #9
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Looks like you've already made up your mind. Not sure what the question is. Best of luck with the cycle.

  10. #10
    G-1000's Avatar
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    I would hold of on tren for a 2 cycle. if you do decide to run tren i would run tren a. so if you do get bad sides you can stop the tren and have it out of your system in just a few days.

  11. #11
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You'd think so Gsxxr, but this guy doesn't listen or he is BS'ing about all the research he did considering the basic tren questions he is asking.

  12. #12
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    no im not BSing, i see the bad sides, they cant be that bad, ive never read anyones post saying "wow the tren side effects are too much to handle, had to drop the tren... what a waste of money"

  13. #13
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by caveman13
    no im not BSing, i see the bad sides, they cant be that bad, ive never read anyones post saying "wow the tren side effects are too much to handle, had to drop the tren... what a waste of money"
    i have read many posts where guys stoped tren and swear to never run it again. i'm not going to dig them up for you but they are there...listen to the brothas, at least use tren a

  14. #14
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    well ive done my research and talked to lots of guys that recomend tren enanthate , no only because its a longer ester and you dont have to shoot ed, but also becasue the enanthate has less sides...

  15. #15
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    I ran tren e on my last cycle and the night sweats continued for about 4 weeks after the last shot,something for you to bear in mind!
    Last edited by Xtralarg; 02-28-2006 at 11:58 AM.

  16. #16
    Perrypup's Avatar
    Perrypup is offline Associate Member
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    Well im taking Tren E 300 mg week and sustonon 250 at 600 per week... this is my 4 th cycles and sides are not bad i did tren and sust last time also had a lot more aggresion and a little bit of sleeplessness .. and sweats

  17. #17
    primetime1's Avatar
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    caveman, take these bros advice with the tren . if your set on using it then go with tren a so it can be stopped if sides are too bad. dont make sense to not listen, go and run this and then kick yourself in the ass becuase your experiance wasnt where it should be to be using tren and the sides got the best of you.
    morever: what is your goal in the cycle? whats your experiance, more information the better we can help, i just hope you can be open minded and listen to what some of the more experiance bros have to say.
    just me .02

  18. #18
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    i hear all the talk about this, and i am listening... but i already have the tren and test... no one says anything about my dosage, just that i shouldnt do it or should do ace. but i dont want to shoot every day. My goals are to put on some lean mass and get stronger, no major goals. im about 99% sure im gonna go through with it, i know about all the sides and everything. When can i expect to start seeing sides of tren e? i wish i would get some helpful info on here not just to do more research. no one says much about tren e, but from the people that have done it and ive talked to say its less harsh as far as sides than tren a.

  19. #19
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    PM Jayhova, he'll tell you about the sides from Tren . I've yet to give you my personal experiences with it because I doubt you'd listen or take the right things from it. Go ahead with your cycle and report back results, interested to see what happens.

    Best of luck.

    Not to mention you are 6' and 170lbs which tells me you don't have other things in order, so steroids may not be the answer to your problem, JMO.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 02-28-2006 at 02:18 PM.

  20. #20
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    PM Jayhova, he'll tell you about the sides from Tren . I've yet to give you my personal experiences with it because I doubt you'd listen or take the right things from it. Go ahead with your cycle and report back results, interested to see what happens.

    Best of luck.

    Not to mention you are 6' and 170lbs which tells me you don't have other things in order, so steroids may not be the answer to your problem, JMO.
    i would love to hear about your personal experience with tren. I'm not trying to act like im smarter than you guys, but i dont think its gonna be as bad as you make it sound. And im not 170 lbs, never was, dont even know why its there. i weigh 190 at 6 foot.

  21. #21
    primetime1's Avatar
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    personal experiance with tren a .. 1st time used it, noticed increased aggression, sweats, great strength, cut down on fat
    from there i used it 2-3 other times with less sides(agression), infact all i experianced this time past(just finihsed it last week) was a few nights of no sleep, and rediculous sweat in the gym. you will gain strength on this ish for sure, but everyone reacts differently so good luck with this and post up some results when your done.

  22. #22
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Here are a few of my experiences with tren , some good some bad. Then I'll list some sides I've seen friends go through. All with Tren A btw.

    Increased Vascularity, agression, night sweats, insomnia, strength, acne, did I mention agression? Those are just the few that stick out.

    Seen friends have similar sides, as well as lactating from progesterone sides and severe hairloss for ppl prone to MPB.

    I have never taken nor do I recommend Tren E for the simple reason that it takes so long to clear the system incase of unwanted sides. I've found when using Tren A ED as opposed to EOD brings on less sides as well.

    No one said you thought you were smarter or knew more, that's the whole point of being here to learn. What's frustrating is when you claim you know this and that but disregard your health in the process.

    Also, tren is very hard to recover from so I recommend getting hold of HCG for the end of your cycle incase you have this problem. Also b6 at 200mg/day is helpful as well as T3 at 25mcg/day for thyroid function.

  23. #23
    MorganKane is offline Associate Member
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    Im on Tren A right now.
    Day 9 for me.
    I have insomina, I think lack of sleep is making me grumpy and I am hot but no night sweats yet.

    But I am not seeing much result yet. Libido is up for sure but thats about it.

  24. #24
    caveman13 is offline Junior Member
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    i appreciate all the input, has anyone done tren e that would like to give some input?

  25. #25
    rast4man's Avatar
    rast4man is offline Junior Member
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    I'm using Tren Ace @ 75mg EOD. I started with 100mg EOD and around day 6, my anxiety was kicking my ass and I couldn't sleep for shit. I backed down and it's better for me. Although, yesterday I forgot I shot 75mg the day before and shot yesterday too, so the anxiety came back. Nothing a little Ativan can't handle though. I've only experienced 1 night of sweats and I haven't had the cough of anything else.

    Cycle has 30 days left of a 12 weeker consisting of:

    Anadrol @ 50mg ed for 2 weeks then 100mg ed for 2 more weeks.
    Test Cyp @ 600mg ew then switched to Test E @ 750mg ew.
    Deca @ 300mg for the first 4 weeks, then 600mg currently.

    I like the hardness that Tren provides, but I'm just hoping that my body won't start getting immune to lesser compounds since I've done a long Tren cycle.

    Anyways, I'd recommend the Ace just to get a feel for the compound in your system. If you have the Enan, sell it to a friend and get some Ace.

  26. #26
    muscle_20's Avatar
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    your cycle is near identical to mine only i am on fast ester version of it.i wouldnt have used tren as a 2nd unless your prepping for a show.the sides from tren sneak up on you and hit you hard so i sure wouldnt wana be on long ester tren in case sides became too bad!

  27. #27
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caveman13
    no im not BSing, i see the bad sides, they cant be that bad, ive never read anyones post saying "wow the tren side effects are too much to handle, had to drop the tren... what a waste of money"
    listen to the advice given to you mate.....tren in watever form is not very pleasant to say the least.....tren enanthate is worse because if you have to drop it you will still get the sides for a few weeks..............
    i have dropped tren e halfway thru cycle because the sides were too sweat so much during the night that you have to change your bedclothes maybe feels like you are lying in a pool of ice cold cannot sleep which makes you fairly grumpy and i mean no meds will help you sleep...very bad sweating thru the day.........
    it is one of the best compounds for pure lean mass.....but not for a 2nd or 3rd cycle imo....................
    you have been warned...listen or learn the hard way.....
    sayin all that you may be one of the lucky ones that does not get any sides....but why take the risk...........

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  28. #28
    primetime1's Avatar
    primetime1 is offline Member
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    hey booz.. just noticed the new status.. congrads..

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