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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    First cycle

    If u want to flame me, go ahead I won't cry. Just want opinions.
    I've been lifting consistently for 2 years, eating properly, no problems gaining weight and strength is getting better all the time. I am 20 years old, I do all the big mass building exercises: squats, deadlifts, bench press, military press.. everything.
    I eat 5 meals a day and have 2 weight gainer shakes a day also I have 1 PWO shake which is whey isolate with ~80g of dextrose.
    I get lots of sleep.
    anyhoo, ive thought about what Id like to use for my first cycle. I am not saying i will go buy all the gear 2mrw and start jabbing myself without thinking things through.
    I was thinking of a 14 week cycle
    week 1-4 dbol @ 25mg a day
    week1-14 test-e somewhere from ~300-400 mg per week. want to try low does first to see how it all goes.-
    Yes I will be eating like a demon I'll post a diet later on after I make up my mind about when to do all this.
    Anyway what im asking is what do u guys think of this cycle. Would u recommend it for a beginner? I know im going to get about 5 gazillion people telling me NO BRO WAIT LONGER. thats cool, i can understand that. I just want to see what everyone says.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I think u shoul wait but if u wont that looks pretty good.. I would though drop the dbol and add a lil test.. but thats just me, the only thing I have against orals is that they r so bad for the lipid profile.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    You have answered all your own questions.

    Seeing as how you will do it anyway

    wk1-12 400mg Test E per week, thats it plus PCT

    Now read this

    Oh, and I am an Aussie as well !!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    just a quick follow up post.
    thanks for that info kale, very informative.
    I am 6'1 ~200 pounds. bodyfat is probably 12-14% i can see top 2 abs when i flex them.
    my stats-
    bench 100 x 8
    leg press 260 x 8
    squat 140 x 6
    deadlift 140 x 8
    seated cable row 120 x 6
    dumbell press 35 x 8
    military press 80 x 6
    bent over barbell row 100 x 6
    ( thats not everything i do, they are the most physically demanding ones that come to mind ).
    I consider myself to be strong for my size. I am just looking to add more to mainly my side and read delts, my chest and my calves

    think thats about it. let me know if i left something out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    And that is all in kilos right ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    imo you are too young,i would personally wait it out for another year or two!
    but as kale has stated you will prob go ahead and use anyhow,only one thing i would change,i would run 500mg test e weekly 1-12 weeks!leave the dbol out and use it in your next course,make sure you have nolva on hasnd just in case of sides,and your pct should be sorted before you start this course!
    it is not all about the roids mate,training,diet and rest have all got to be 100%!
    good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    yeh its all in kg
    im no rush, u guys are saying wait and im listening.
    If i somehow manage to convince myself to do it i will take every precaution.
    Like I said, im in no rush and I don't see myself doing it for some time now.
    Id rather know now and be well informed, before hand rather than just jumping into it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    anyone else? bumpity bump bump

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wouldnt consider using gear for at least another couple of years, you will gain great with your own bodys hormone at your age with a good basic diet behind you . this will give you a very good base to work from in a couple of years with AAS.

  10. #10
    i would go for it if body building is what you want to do 100%,like you have to ask your self is training more important than going partying and drinking or what ever cause you cant be doing that kind of thing when your on.
    if you do i would increase my meals and focus on bodybuilding 24/7(obviously you have to work or what ever you do but you need to take your meals to work and all these kind of things).your goals are a little minor to need drugs(arent they?!)you wana add a bit to your delts n calves?!
    if you do go ahead i would up my test to 500mg drop the dbol and do this for 12 weeks then follow a proper pct.
    only you can know if you should do it or not,its your life/body!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    To be honest mate you sound like you are ready. You remind me exactly of me when I started my first cycle which was 13 weeks ago. You clearly know how to eat and train etc so I think you are ready for it. Dont worry about the age thing. 20 is a nice age. I spent a year asking questions on boards about age and in the end I just did it.

    Cycle looks good. Keep the dianabol as it is and run the test at 400mgs a week for 12 least. I see no harm in doing 14 weeks if you choose to do so.

    Also I think its fine to take dbol and enanthate together as they both react at different times. By the time you have finished dianabol your test will be starting to work.

    You seem to know what you are doing so I wish you best of luck!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Personally I think you could gain ALOT more naturally before needing juice... but if you were to run a cycle. I would run a low dose test only. 250mg test weekly for 10-12 week. 14 weeks seems too long for a first cycle imo.

    By doing a test only cycle, you will learn how your body reacts to the test. 250mgs would be plenty of free test for your body, and people much larger than yourself have gained alot of lean body mass off of this cycle.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    im pretty keen to try a low dose cycle like 250mg a week. I don't think I need much.
    Im also going to hold off until I start to plateu in my lifts and possibly a little older. I pumped out 140x8+ 100x10 + 60x12 kg squats in one big drop set tonight so Im keen to push my limits as far as I can naturally. Hopefully I can hold off until I can get at least 160x8 naturally before I start jabbing.
    My goals are to compete, i mentioned that I need work on my calves and delts because both the areas are lacking in comparison to the others.
    thanks for all the input.
    Some days I feel like I would love to give it a go but other days I feel that I'd like to see how far I can go naturally.
    I think my diet could defenitely be better so I will sit myself down, probably this weekend and workout exactly what I want to eat and I'll post it in the diet forum.
    Soon as I get access to the camera ill get some photos and put them up.
    Last edited by slob; 03-03-2006 at 02:16 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by slob
    im pretty keen to try a low dose cycle like 250mg a week. I don't think I need much.
    Im also going to hold off until I start to plateu in my lifts and possibly a little older. I pumped out 140x8+ 100x10 + 60x12 kg squats in one big drop set tonight so Im keen to push my limits as far as I can naturally. Hopefully I can hold off until I can get at least 160x8 naturally before I start jabbing.
    My goals are to compete, i mentioned that I need work on my calves and delts because both the areas are lacking in comparison to the others.
    thanks for all the input.
    Some days I feel like I would love to give it a go but other days I feel that I'd like to see how far I can go naturally.
    I think my diet could defenitely be better so I will sit myself down, probably this weekend and workout exactly what I want to eat and I'll post it in the diet forum.
    Soon as I get access to the camera ill get some photos and put them up.
    You sound like a sensible guy. Good luck with your training.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    shorten the cycle to 10-12 up the test to 500 and the dbol looks good...but i think you should wait as well the further you can go natural the beter.

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