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  1. #1
    snow_joe is offline New Member
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    HGH is it real and is it enough

    i read alot of the forums on here about hgh and none of them are de****g with my case. i am an athlete and i'm about to start taking hgh but it is called somatropin(a cheaper generic brand supposedly). i'm going to use 3 to 4 bottles at around 1.8iu a day dor about 6 weeks. is the stuff even real. i read that the company in called Signiture Compounding Pharmacy. i was also thinking of taking a shot of omnidren 250 once a wekk with it. has anyone ever heard of the hgh listed? is it real and if so would that be enough to take 12.6 iu a week? is it also okay or is it best to stack it with something else? i was about to buy the hgh but read the forums and see that there are alot of fakes out there and before i spend that kind of money i was wondering the direction that i should take.

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by snow_joe
    i read alot of the forums on here about hgh and none of them are de****g with my case. i am an athlete and i'm about to start taking hgh but it is called somatropin(a cheaper generic brand supposedly). i'm going to use 3 to 4 bottles at around 1.8iu a day dor about 6 weeks. is the stuff even real. i read that the company in called Signiture Compounding Pharmacy. i was also thinking of taking a shot of omnidren 250 once a wekk with it. has anyone ever heard of the hgh listed? is it real and if so would that be enough to take 12.6 iu a week? is it also okay or is it best to stack it with something else? i was about to buy the hgh but read the forums and see that there are alot of fakes out there and before i spend that kind of money i was wondering the direction that i should take.

    you will see no benefit from running HGH at 1.8iu for 6 week's

  3. #3
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Bro you have to run i for at least 4 months and yiu start seeing results around 6 months. It takes a few months for IGF values to build up in the liver to see it start working.

  4. #4
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    What are your goals? Also how old are you?

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    4-6 months and the magic happens. 6 weeks is a total wste of time/money.

  6. #6
    snow_joe is offline New Member
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    i'm 26 and my current weight is 295lbs, my goal is to increase my speed along with my strength to help my agility on the field. i have access to alot of different things also. i have a bottle of winny but i've been hold it for a few months. i was going to take omnidren 250 and the winney but the drug test is possible.

  7. #7
    snow_joe is offline New Member
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    has anyone every heard of the name somatropin

  8. #8
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by snow_joe
    i'm 26 and my current weight is 295lbs, my goal is to increase my speed along with my strength to help my agility on the field. i have access to alot of different things also. i have a bottle of winny but i've been hold it for a few months. i was going to take omnidren 250 and the winney but the drug test is possible.

    if it's a possibility your going to get tested i wouldn't use any controlled substance

    just work on your diet and training to achieve your goal's

  9. #9
    snow_joe is offline New Member
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    well i'm going to take something because i have 4 months before i have to report back, just trying for the best with the least side effects but maximum potential to increase ability

  10. #10
    snow_joe is offline New Member
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    so how much would someone recommend to take of the hgh a week for 4-6 months just to maybe get a figure

  11. #11
    Maetenloch's Avatar
    Maetenloch is offline Associate Member
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    I think you'd do better doing a few cycle of IGF-LR3, plus it's a lot cheaper. Best of all you can keep doing this during the season since they don't test for elevated IGF levels except maybe in top tier competition.

  12. #12
    snow_joe is offline New Member
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    what is IFG and the other thing listed with it. it really sounds interesting

  13. #13
    snow_joe is offline New Member
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    IGF-LR3, sorry what is this

  14. #14
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    LR3 is an analog of rhIGF-1, IGF-1 is what cause you to build muscles, but I have to agree with stocky, if you're going to be tested, I would use any controlled substance.


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