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  1. #1
    BigChris's Avatar
    BigChris is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Deca Dick etc...

    This matter has been discussed numerous times on this board (I have studied every single one of them in detail), and there are substantially verified opinions on this - so I though it best to share my experiences with you (after I have eventually came to terms with it)

    I have been involved in BB for well over a decade, and have been running cycles almost every year. What I included in the cycles varied, but I always had Deca and test in them (yes higher concentrations of test than deca every time). PCT was always done as needed...but then around 3 years ago the trouble started. My sex drive stared to decline and, not surprisingly, I started to have erection problems. I got off gear straight away - with no effect at all. Limp dick and no sex drive. I have since been to numerous doctors and specialist - including the very best available in the UK. They could not find the cause, my blood was normal - test levels were good, so was my SHBG, creatine, trace of any significant damage. I have tried every possible cure and recommendation available...with no effect.

    What is my point you would ask. Well...I have been in contact with some of the guys who started with BB when I did - I am talking about guys who placed at universe and who's won various titles...and guess what...both are experiencing a strong decline in sex drive (and an occasional limp). Like me everything for them was fine for 8 or 9 years...but then their trouble started too. What was always included in their cycles? Deca and test. Test is not the cause, that is for sure...

    I have spent literally thousands of pounds to find the source of my problem, I have even been to a psychiatrist (just to make sure that it is not a mental issue), I have had many many tests done...with no luck. Now deca is supposed to be one of the safest AAS around (I used to praise it but I do not believe this anymore & neither does my friends), so I'll say this is really something I would take into account if you are planning on doing BB for more than just a few years. There are some good substitutes available (for instance boldenone ) if you do plan on going for gold over a long period of time.

    I realise that my post won't carry a lot of weight because I am a newbie on this board...but all I can do is share my experience with whoever wants to listen - believe that is what this board is for.


  2. #2
    Remington's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    I realise that my post won't carry a lot of weight because I am a newbie on this board...but all I can do is share my experience with whoever wants to listen - believe that is what this board is for.
    Not so----Thanks for posting.
    ANY info is still that---INFO. Thats what I'm here for.

  3. #3
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    This matter has been discussed numerous times on this board (I have studied every single one of them in detail), and there are substantially verified opinions on this - so I though it best to share my experiences with you (after I have eventually came to terms with it)

    I have been involved in BB for well over a decade, and have been running cycles almost every year. What I included in the cycles varied, but I always had Deca and test in them (yes higher concentrations of test than deca every time). PCT was always done as needed...but then around 3 years ago the trouble started. My sex drive stared to decline and, not surprisingly, I started to have erection problems. I got off gear straight away - with no effect at all. Limp dick and no sex drive. I have since been to numerous doctors and specialist - including the very best available in the UK. They could not find the cause, my blood was normal - test levels were good, so was my SHBG, creatine, trace of any significant damage. I have tried every possible cure and recommendation available...with no effect.

    What is my point you would ask. Well...I have been in contact with some of the guys who started with BB when I did - I am talking about guys who placed at universe and who's won various titles...and guess what...both are experiencing a strong decline in sex drive (and an occasional limp). Like me everything for them was fine for 8 or 9 years...but then their trouble started too. What was always included in their cycles? Deca and test. Test is not the cause, that is for sure...

    I have spent literally thousands of pounds to find the source of my problem, I have even been to a psychiatrist (just to make sure that it is not a mental issue), I have had many many tests done...with no luck. Now deca is supposed to be one of the safest AAS around (I used to praise it but I do not believe this anymore & neither does my friends), so I'll say this is really something I would take into account if you are planning on doing BB for more than just a few years. There are some good substitutes available (for instance boldenone ) if you do plan on going for gold over a long period of time.

    I realise that my post won't carry a lot of weight because I am a newbie on this board...but all I can do is share my experience with whoever wants to listen - believe that is what this board is for.

    Sorry to hear bro. I imagine anyone taking 19nors over long periods of time will eventually experience this. I know what you mean when you safe deca is suppossed to be safe. Alot of these BB underground books on the net really make testosterone look evil and deca a godsend. I find many of these books (like ones by L Rea are very inaccurate on many other accounts too). I am kinda scared this will happen to me eventually from tren , so I am debating wether to continue using tren. I will probably stick with test and short runs of drol. Less sides too.

    As for libido and erection issues has your doctor prescribed test replacment? Have you tried proviron ? Do you ever use cialis or viagra?

  4. #4
    BigChris's Avatar
    BigChris is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Sorry to hear bro. I imagine anyone taking 19nors over long periods of time will eventually experience this. I know what you mean when you safe deca is suppossed to be safe. Alot of these BB underground books on the net really make testosterone look evil and deca a godsend. I find many of these books (like ones by L Rea are very inaccurate on many other accounts too). I am kinda scared this will happen to me eventually from tren , so I am debating wether to continue using tren. I will probably stick with test and short runs of drol. Less sides too.

    As for libido and erection issues has your doctor prescribed test replacment? Have you tried proviron? Do you ever use cialis or viagra?
    There is not apparent need for test replacement. My HPT-axis is functioning normal and I do have normal test levels in my blood.

    Have I used Viagra/cialis? Yes...for example one of the attempts to get things back to normal was to put me on a EIGHT week, 3/4 times a week cialis course with the hope that it would generate momentum.

    As for using Proviron ...yes on more than one occasion (to try and lower SHBG levels just in case, but also to try and get the sex drive going. Tribulus, tongkat ali, cabergoline, arimidex , HCG , clomifeen citrate, nolvadex , arimidex etc, etc)...they were all used with not much luck.

  5. #5
    DBflash21 is offline Member
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    How about those pumps?

  6. #6
    Sharky72 is offline Associate Member
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    This has been a ongoing issue and everyone should listen to this bro.. I never had libido issues or stamina problems until I started messing with the sauce. And I'm not convinced that Test has nothing to do with it either. Definitately something to keep in mind

  7. #7
    Da_Mayor is offline Junior Member
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    Good read knocked some sense into me, I'm on my first deca test cycle now. I'll probably do two more cycles in my lifetime. An eq tren masteron cycle in a few months and HGH when I'm like 35.

  8. #8
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    I always had a personal theory that exposing your body to such supraphysiological amounts of testosterone desensitized your sex drive. It is already known that your muscle receptors become desensitized over time with use. For instance, someone who runs 500mg/week Test continously will get diminishing returns for each subsequent cycle, this is pretty much common knowledge. My point here? Why would we think that our sex drive would not be desensitized over time as well? Thats just a personal theory of mine...

    BigChris, if you wouldn't mind and might be able to find the time to do so, could you possibly try and outline all of your cycles from day one, or at least a general idea. Cycle history would be great in this case...and thanks for your insight I dont think anyone will discredit you for not having a high post count, your experience speaks for itself.

  9. #9
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Thank you for sharing BigChris, Im
    also getting ready for a test/deca
    run in a few weeks, and read all I
    can. Your exp. is real world, thank U.
    Wish you the best of luck

  10. #10
    dabigcheese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    This matter has been discussed numerous times on this board (I have studied every single one of them in detail), and there are substantially verified opinions on this - so I though it best to share my experiences with you (after I have eventually came to terms with it)

    I have been involved in BB for well over a decade, and have been running cycles almost every year. What I included in the cycles varied, but I always had Deca and test in them (yes higher concentrations of test than deca every time). PCT was always done as needed...but then around 3 years ago the trouble started. My sex drive stared to decline and, not surprisingly, I started to have erection problems. I got off gear straight away - with no effect at all. Limp dick and no sex drive. I have since been to numerous doctors and specialist - including the very best available in the UK. They could not find the cause, my blood was normal - test levels were good, so was my SHBG, creatine, trace of any significant damage. I have tried every possible cure and recommendation available...with no effect.

    What is my point you would ask. Well...I have been in contact with some of the guys who started with BB when I did - I am talking about guys who placed at universe and who's won various titles...and guess what...both are experiencing a strong decline in sex drive (and an occasional limp). Like me everything for them was fine for 8 or 9 years...but then their trouble started too. What was always included in their cycles? Deca and test. Test is not the cause, that is for sure...

    I have spent literally thousands of pounds to find the source of my problem, I have even been to a psychiatrist (just to make sure that it is not a mental issue), I have had many many tests done...with no luck. Now deca is supposed to be one of the safest AAS around (I used to praise it but I do not believe this anymore & neither does my friends), so I'll say this is really something I would take into account if you are planning on doing BB for more than just a few years. There are some good substitutes available (for instance boldenone ) if you do plan on going for gold over a long period of time.

    I realise that my post won't carry a lot of weight because I am a newbie on this board...but all I can do is share my experience with whoever wants to listen - believe that is what this board is for.

    Growth Hormone may help with libido. I believe there are quite a few users on this board who have tried it and it has worked.

    Andriol is also very good for the libido and apprently has no serious side-effects (if the dosages are within the normal range).

  11. #11
    dabigcheese's Avatar
    dabigcheese is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SS1476
    Thank you for sharing BigChris, Im
    also getting ready for a test/deca
    run in a few weeks, and read all I
    can. Your exp. is real world, thank U.
    Wish you the best of luck
    Im currently on my second Deca cycle. Im at 200 Lbs now (with about 15 percent bodyfat). Hoping to get to 220 Lbs and mainstain after that (I am 5'11").

    I don't foresee doing a Deca cycle after this. The Deca has already caused limp dick problems for me (although when the Test: Deca ratio was 1:1).

  12. #12
    BigChris's Avatar
    BigChris is offline Junior Member
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    I have been on GH for quite some time now - I can definitely say that it does a great job with retaining gains and with fat loss, but not for libido. I get my stuff directly from the manufacturer therefore I am sure it is the real deal.

  13. #13
    dabigcheese's Avatar
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    I am a newbie to gear-usage. I've done about two cycles before this one (both very short ones in fact).

    How many cycles have you done till now? Did you average about 2-3 cycles every year over your bodybuilding career?

    Interesting thing with the Growth Hormone . I have read posts by other users on this board who said they experienced a significant improvement in their libido with GH. I guess reactions differ from person to person.

  14. #14
    BigChris's Avatar
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    Yes I do think that everybody is different and that usually only basic principles applies to everybody - the rest may differ from person to person. For example - I need to work very hard to make any significant gains, where as one of my friends only needs to look at the weights (or a needle) and the weight just piles onto him.

    I did not do 2-3 cycles per year. For me personally that was too much but then, like I have said before, everybody has their own preferences. I even (at some point) had breaks of 1 1/2 years between cycles so that I could focus on natural gains (it is so easy to fall into the trap of relying on the gear to do all the hard work) - I also prefered to give my body a break from all the sjite (but clearly not even this worked in my case lol...)

    However my goals have changed dramatically and I am now aiming towards one of the big comps in the near future and as a result my usage has gone through the roof (but I do always maintain safety as a first priority)

  15. #15
    dabigcheese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    Yes I do think that everybody is different and that usually only basic principles applies to everybody - the rest may differ from person to person. For example - I need to work very hard to make any significant gains, where as one of my friends only needs to look at the weights (or a needle) and the weight just piles onto him.

    I did not do 2-3 cycles per year. For me personally that was too much but then, like I have said before, everybody has their own preferences. I even (at some point) had breaks of 1 1/2 years between cycles so that I could focus on natural gains (it is so easy to fall into the trap of relying on the gear to do all the hard work) - I also prefered to give my body a break from all the sjite (but clearly not even this worked in my case lol...)

    However my goals have changed dramatically and I am now aiming towards one of the big comps in the near future and as a result my usage has gone through the roof (but I do always maintain safety as a first priority)
    Do you have libido problems these days when you are also on gear or only when off it?

    What's happened in your case with the libido falling off looks like a case of really rotten luck. I hope you find a solution. You may give Andriol a try if you haven't already.

    I am hoping that I won't have to do long cycles after this one's done. If I get to 220Lbs, I'll call it off. I might do the odd short one after that just to maintain but that would be about it.

  16. #16
    dabigcheese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    For example - I need to work very hard to make any significant gains, where as one of my friends only needs to look at the weights (or a needle) and the weight just piles onto him.
    I have always been a hard gainer too. I was only 98 lbs (height 5'11") when I started lifting weights. Now at about 200 Lbs.

  17. #17
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    hey bigchris, have u tried masteron ? that might help, its better than proviron , but theyre real similar, masteron E would be a good choice.
    test your prolactin, and progesterone if you havent. along with FREE TEST. i think u said u did tho, not sure. how about estradiol and all that crap (E2)?

  18. #18
    Titleist's Avatar
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    This threads a year old

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