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  1. #1
    Trendkill is offline Associate Member
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    Ontario, Canada

    Experienced users HELP with CLEN

    ok so ive read the clen handbook, the profiles in AR and the profiles on and ive also read alot of threads concerning clen. My friend is 6'3 and 220lbs. Never done AAS but is quite strong, only problem he used to be like 240lbs so hes still got a bit of fat left on him that is unwanted. My question is, would a dose of 80mcg's per day be sufficient for him running for 8 weeks and will it be safe.

  2. #2
    LowStrea is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006
    So far with in a week I lost 8lb with clen , good diet, and working out. I would not start with 80mcg hheh he would be shaking bad. Start with 20 or 40 jack it up each day until he is at 100 to 120 a day stay there for some time. I also hear about people taking it two times a day. I was only taking it once a day.

  3. #3
    Trendkill is offline Associate Member
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    Ontario, Canada
    Yea i heard it makes you shake and sweat the nasty's.

  4. #4
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Trendkill - hes still got a bit of fat left on him…”
    That depends on his bodyfat %. It should at least be 15% or lower.

    “…would a dose of 80mcg's per day be sufficient for him running for 8 weeks…”
    This is a matter of preference and contingent upon time, goals and aversion to side effects. It is generally run between 80 and 120mcgs for fat loss purposes.

    “…and will it be safe…”
    This depends on his health. If he’s healthy with no preexisting conditions (blood pressure, heart, head, big toenail on right foot…kidding) and is older than 21 but not yet resolved only to golfing, he SHOULD be fine.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    IMO he should try a clean diet and a rigous cardio routine and, if possible, first thing in the A.M. on an empty stomach prior to starting any clen cycle. An OTC thermogenic make be benefical as well.

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