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  1. #1
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    HELP,... Am I Overtraining?

    Im on my second cycle it is:

    Prop 70mg ED
    Tren ace 50mg ED
    Clen pyramid
    T3 pyramid

    Right now my work out regiment is

    Weights one day, cardio 30-45min the next ,

    So i do weights everyother day, and cardio everyother day, but never both on the same day.

    Basically i dont get any days off from the gym, is this okay, or should i cut cardio on the weekends?

    Im following the cutting diet posted in the diet section, im 22, 6ft, 21%(im pretty sure less than %21 now)lookin to lower bf%/lean up
    Last edited by macktownmac; 03-02-2006 at 03:00 PM.

  2. #2
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    under trained. the beauty of gear is it fixes, w/in reason, whatever you f-up. IMO gear is for people who enjoy training. So push it and have fun. Too much training is like asking if your car is too fast or a girl too pretty. You've heard that country song.

  3. #3
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Seems like you really want to cut up, what aer your stats?

    Here's what I recommend. On the days you work out do your cardio PWO. That way when you hit the treadmill, eliptical, crosstrainer whatever it may be you will be somewhat carb depleted. So by performing your cardio at you THR you can burn some stored fat that it seems you want to get rid of.

    By doing your cardio on off days you may not even be tapping into fat stores, basically a big waste of time. Then you can either take complete days off the gym of do cardio when you wake up on off days.........

  4. #4
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Great advice from both guys, that's why I love this board!

    I agree you're undertrained, based on your schedule you’re only lifting 3 or 4 times a week…5 should be your minimum especially on gear.

    Last edited by magic32; 03-03-2006 at 11:30 AM.

  5. #5
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Seems like you really want to cut up, what aer your stats?

    Here's what I recommend. On the days you work out do your cardio PWO. That way when you hit the treadmill, eliptical, crosstrainer whatever it may be you will be somewhat carb depleted. So by performing your cardio at you THR you can burn some stored fat that it seems you want to get rid of.

    By doing your cardio on off days you may not even be tapping into fat stores, basically a big waste of time. Then you can either take complete days off the gym of do cardio when you wake up on off days.........

    That makes alot of sense, my current rutine just works for be because I goto the gym on weekdays during my lunch break. It shouldnt be a big deal for me to take 30min more on lunch (i can just stay longer or come in early)

    So my new rutine will look like this

    Workout EVERYDAY, with cardio right after for 30mins on weekdays(work days) 45min on weekends.

    and I know this is somewhat of a Diet question, but you mentioned that I want depleted carbs when im working out, does this mean i shouldnt eat carbs the meal right before the gym? what kind of food should i be eating before hitting the gym and how long before when on AAS?

    My stats are
    22 years old
    right around %20BF

    I should also say like %90 of my fat is on my GUT!!
    Last edited by macktownmac; 03-02-2006 at 05:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    write out your entire weight routine, alsolifting EVERYDAY is a very bad idead, and soon you will be overtraining, better to under train than over

  7. #7
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    Im doing

    Day 1: Chest, biceps
    Day 3: Thighs
    Day 5: Shoulder, triceps
    Day 7: Back. calves

    Basically i ripped the one from

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    it think that will be fine. i wouldnt hit the gym more than that unless i wa taking a huge dose of gear and had enough endurance and volume training from previous workouts, let me bust a hug myth....more doesnt equal better,

  9. #9
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    Workout EVERYDAY, with cardio right after for 30mins on weekdays(work days) 45min on weekends.
    The only way I'll recommend you working out mon-fri is if you're training 1, 1-2 body part(s) per day. This better be a long lunch break to able to train for 40-50 minutes then cardio for 30 min then a shower.........

    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    My stats are
    22 years old
    right around %20BF
    Dont be shy, what's your weight?

    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    and I know this is somewhat of a Diet question, but you mentioned that I want depleted carbs when im working out, does this mean i shouldnt eat carbs the meal right before the gym? what kind of food should i be eating before hitting the gym and how long before when on AAS?
    You're right it is a diet question, off to the diet forum. I know that sounds mean but thats why each forum is dedicated to its individual catergory. With almost 50k members we would need a whooooooooooole lot of forums to accommodate each individual person................

    Good Luck, you're gonna rock now!!!!

  10. #10
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    lol sorry didnt even think about it,

  11. #11
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    lol sorry didnt even think about it,

  12. #12
    Ryano2005 is offline Associate Member
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    I was in your shoes about a year ago, im 6'1 and 220 pounds at 14%ish body fat and I found this site at about 16 or so but keep at it and you will recieve.........

  13. #13
    Daddy Fatsacks's Avatar
    Daddy Fatsacks is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Seems like you really want to cut up, what aer your stats?

    Here's what I recommend. On the days you work out do your cardio PWO. That way when you hit the treadmill, eliptical, crosstrainer whatever it may be you will be somewhat carb depleted. So by performing your cardio at you THR you can burn some stored fat that it seems you want to get rid of.

    By doing your cardio on off days you may not even be tapping into fat stores, basically a big waste of time. Then you can either take complete days off the gym of do cardio when you wake up on off days.........
    Hey Jay,

    I'm on the same workout mack is on...and I find ur advice interesting. But what does THR mean??

  14. #14
    Daddy Fatsacks's Avatar
    Daddy Fatsacks is offline Associate Member
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    nevermind...i got it. target heart rate

  15. #15
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daddy Fatsacks
    nevermind...i got it. target heart rate

    Dam I could have gotten a post out of that one. Wait, I think I still did

    Note: Posts me nothing. PLenty on members on here that can prove that.

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