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Thread: Primo-your opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Primo-your opinion

    Whats up guys. I just received my delivery today of 40 amps of Primo-Depot. This is going to be my third cycle, this time I am stacking 500mg Of sust a week with 400mg of Primo a week for 10 weeks, for the guys that have done this sort of stack what kind of gains should I expect? Im 6'4 207 with 9.5 BF%.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    you should gain some quality musle on that stack bro, 40 amps of primo, u must have had to remortgage your i did a similar cycle but with less primo 300mg which i shot 3 times a week with sust (to weaken the sting) i did it for 8 weeks and gained about 20lbs which i kept, however i was running d-bol at the start.
    keep us posted


  3. #3
    Wish I could use primo......too damn exspensive for me.

  4. #4
    alevok Guest
    I did a smilar cycle once before. You can expect to gain 15-20Lb. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Bro you would do way better if you were to leave the sus out of that cycle. The sus is going to do the exact opposite of the primo. You should mix the primo with winnie or decca. Sus250 is going to make you hold water and if you spent the money on primo you proably did for its tendecy to gain lean muscle mass. Save the sus and get another cutting agent.
    Peace out

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by neo1605
    Wish I could use primo......too damn exspensive for me.
    its not that bad eh?! $10 if common, tho most injectables like deca/test are 6-7-8 bucks... and only need two shots a week for MOST.

    I did a bit of primo when I was too young. Love the drug, very unique AS but side effects from hell!!!!!!!! bad ance, and hairloss for a while after.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    You shoul see great solid gains.If everyone could afford primo they do i #1 steroid

  8. #8
    Bros do you guys think a guy could get decent gains from doing like 500mg primo a week for six weeks all by itself.. (possibly with slin also) ..I wanna try a real mild cycle just to gain a few quality pounds and a little strenght...I read primo is real mild and has little side effects ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    primo is real mild and usually has very few sides. In my opinion it is one of the best forms of gear you can take. Price wise it is $10 but you need like 4 for one week. $40 a week for 10 weeks bro that is a lot of scratch. Personally it is one of my favs. Primo only will work but i would try and get some clen, depending on you bf, or winnie if you want some really good muscle gains.
    Peace out

  10. #10
    If doing the primo alone would you reccommend doing it 400mg a week or 500 mg...A friend who also has test cyp but does not wanna do that in summer...well he has primo that could be used at 500mg for six weeks along with a little slin post workout...but he has never done primo so not sure what kind of gains he would get, originally he was planning on doing the primo with the test next fall but thought it would be to much poking so is now wanting to do it for summer since there is no bloat if he can expect gains, he only has enough for 500 mg at six weeks. any thoughts? Thanx

  11. #11
    well, i am starting the same cycle next week. i may add winny maybe but we ll see. it should give good solid muscle gains

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    SO whats the final say? cycle the primo at 400mg a week with 500mg a week with SUST or just do 400mg a week of primo? I want to get lean hard mass.......

  13. #13
    yea sus 500 primo 400, if you dont wanna bloat like me use proviron at 50 mg ed. gl

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    keep it

    keep the sust in it it will help with your strenghth and gains.And i woulden't worry about it making you hold water "That's 90% diet.I'm on my 9th week now and i did d-bol the first 4 weeks and test/deca at 400mg week and hardly held any water,but my diet is clean and sodium low!!

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