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Thread: anti-gyno

  1. #1


    I'm 20years old, and am yet to do a cycle.. and i got gyno, not bad, but it's there. i was almost positive i was gonna go with novla but after reading some threads i see there are better products.. im definatly ordering from aar, so if you could point me in the right direction, what to get for natrual gyno?

  2. #2
    well i look at it like this, letro for curing gyno, nolva for stopping the onslide of gyno. But letro can also be used in small doses to block gyno from occurring as well. But i had a mild case of gyno after a cycle and i used letro and it pretty much cleared it up.

  3. #3
    kk, it's definatly not a BAD case of gyno, i've seen bad, and this isn't it. but i notice it, in the end letro is the way to go huh? what about dosages? would they be different since its mild and natrual? thanks for your help, i really appreciate it.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by si2is
    kk, it's definatly not a BAD case of gyno, i've seen bad, and this isn't it. but i notice it, in the end letro is the way to go huh? what about dosages? would they be different since its mild and natrual? thanks for your help, i really appreciate it.
    whether its natural gyno or not i would still take the same approach meaning the same dose as say someone who has anabolic induced gyno, Its been awhile since i ran letro but if i remember correctly i think i ran it at 1.25mg EOD but if you don't notice it getting any better in a couple weeks you could try bumping your dosage up, maybe try 1.25mg/ED but you don't wanna go overboard on the amount of letro you start taking, so i would start will 1.25mg/EOD see how that treats you

  5. #5
    thanks a lot moto, great info!

  6. #6
    i try nolva for pre-existing gyno
    nolva+letro is something i am still wondering about?

    is your gyno fatty tissue, ard lumps, or puffy nipples?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Do any mexican companies make Letrozole? If not can this be bought in mexico?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mindongoal
    Do any mexican companies make Letrozole? If not can this be bought in mexico?
    Letro has been reported to reverse existing gyno. No other AI can make the same claim.

    Letro can be obtained by supporting the site sponsor, AR-R.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    But itn's letro illegal, without a prescription?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by mindongoal
    But itn's letro illegal, without a prescription?
    bro, just buy letro from AR-R the sponsor, banner is at the top right of the page, you won't have any problems with them getting the letro to you.

  11. #11
    ^ actually even easier click the word letro in my post ^

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    thanks, motor

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    One more thing, can i buy anything on their website without a problem?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mindongoal
    One more thing, can i buy anything on their website without a problem?
    Just look on it. Not "anything". Research supplies, yes.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mindongoal
    But itn's letro illegal, without a prescription?
    This is very true as are many of the available products. Fortunately for us we are researchers, using these compounds for research purposes, as opposed to personal consumption.


  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by k6jatu37

    is your gyno fatty tissue, ard lumps, or puffy nipples?
    it's just fat, and my nipple comes out a little bit, slightly noticable with a undershirt on, but un-noticable with my shirt off.. i would just diet, but im around 11%bf so i dont think it's from that, and it kinda just came on suddenly..

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