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Thread: Reasons why I shouldn't bridge 1st & 2nd cycle w/ low doses of test???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Bikini Bottom

    Reasons why I shouldn't bridge 1st & 2nd cycle w/ low doses of test???

    Hi All,

    I'm currently in week 6 of:

    t200 @ 400/wk
    deca @ 300/wk

    I've put on 12lbs. so far with nice size & thickness gains and still increasing strength gains across the board - it's nice to set new personal records on EVERY workout

    I'm looking to do a 2nd similar cycle (probably with the addition of dbol to the first few weeks) to continue my bulking gains after some time off to freshen up the receptors.

    My question is.... After the end of week 10, why shouldn't I take 200mg/wk (or some other small dosage) of t200 during my "time off" between cycles to maintain my gains before hitting my 2nd cycle?

    If I plan to go completely off after my 2nd cycle and use clomid, why would bridging with low t200 dosages be a bad idea? My wife and I are done having kids, so I don't care about sperm anymore
    Last edited by spongebob; 05-31-2002 at 11:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    There is NO such thing as a bridge. It is just a small cycle! You will have NO time off, and of course you body and receptors have no rest from the gear. If you are not planning on walking on a stage in the near future I advise you to just give your system a rest.

    Time Off = Time On

    Anything else and you are NOT giving your body time to recover from the AS you have been using, and your next cycle will probably not produce such good results. Take the time off. You will be glad you did.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Bikini Bottom
    Kaz, wouldn't the receptors recover pretty well by using different gear? Say I went with 25-35mg/day of dbol for 10wks and then started my 2nd cycle of t200 and deca - but with slightly higher doses.

    I have definate goals in mind that I believe I can achieve by the end of my second cycle... as long as I don't lose too much after this first. Is there an effective way to make this a long single cycle instead of an up and down double?

    Thanks for your advice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    In essence yes, the receptors used will probably clear if you are using different gear. My point was also that your SYSTEM needs time to recover as well. There really is no need to be on AS for that long unless you plan to compete (And then I would have my reservations)

    The pros may need to stay on the gear all year round, that doesn’t mean we have to copy them. My advise is let your body have a rest. Whatever you lose from the rest you will gain back in the first 4-5 weeks of a cycle anyway.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kaz, your info here is very helpful to me too. thanks.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    Originally posted by androplex
    Kaz, your info here is very helpful to me too. thanks.....
    Welcome bro!

    Lots of people do bridges but they really ARE just mini cycles! They contain all the same things as a cycle but in smaller doses, so while you may not have to worry too much about sides etc, you are still ON a cycle.

    Your body needs a rest from the juice, and not just for the benefit of the receptors. AS are dangerous drugs, and we use them as carefully as we can to stay safe; we plan our cycles, we plan the drugs we need to keep in case of side effects (Im watching that deca and progesteron thread by the way!) and we monitor ourselves in everyway we can while we are using them and when we finish the cycle.

    It just seems to make sense to me that we need to take that time out and give the body the WHOLE body, some time to recover its natural stride, before we start again. So what if you shrink a little! 3 steps forward and 1 step back is not so bad when you remember that once you start your next cycle you will gain that lost size back almost straight away, and then start packing on some more besides.

    Its all a case of moderation. If huge doses and year long cycles really did work we would be seeing a whole load of guys at 300lbs+ and shredded to the bone! Since I dont see too many of them, despite the often rediculous doses I see people talking about, I have to guess that it doesnt work too well!!

    Slow and Safe. Its the only way to go long term.

  7. #7
    this is what i did on 2nd cycle
    12 weeks of straight TEST no weight gain at all,
    i took 3 weeks off and started my 3rd cycle, after
    3 wks gained 8lbs now i dont know if 3wks
    were enough time off but i cound't wait any longer
    dont know if my body system recovered from these
    12 wks or wtf.

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