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Thread: injectable letro

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills

    injectable letro

    check it out guys, cant seem to get an answer in the pct forum. Ive had a small(pea-sized lump) under one breast for little under a year now. Been using "sponsors" oral letro for almost a month at 2.5 a day. no change, no libido suppresion. What gives? I came across a site that has letro suspended in alcohol and appears to be in an injectable multidose vial. Is this legit and would inj. be more effective possibly, or should i just add some nolva at 20 a day? experience? knowledge?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    bump. no one then? guess its bs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    once more for shites and giggles

  4. #4
    I myself have never seen letro in injectible form, only pill and liquid oral. Just because it didn't cure the gyno doesn't mean the letro wasn't legit or anything; I did the same and mine got worse actually. (Although I think something else may have caused this)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    yeah i think im going to throw in some nolva and see how that gos

  6. #6
    it is not an injectable. It could kill you if you inject it and it will hurt.

    Stay the course it take letro as long as 2 month to work in some people. Nolva won't do anthing for old gyno. Send me your back round what you on now ....what results is the puffyness going away at all. When I got gyno i ran out of letro mid cycle ( before I started designed any of these products ) switched to liquidex and next thing I have to hard lumps the size of peas. I quickly got back on the letro. This was week 12 in a year and a half long cycle. I'm not sur how long it took me but after a while the lumps softened and then they shrank a little then they were just gone. THe prosess of the lumps softening and being gone was over the course of time. It was like they just weren't there. I didn't notice. Then I did. That's why letro was the only AI we maid for the first 2 years we were in business. Drop me a line let me know how things are going.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    No longer active
    JUP Bro, just give it some more time. It will work.
    You can also add some clomid, it does speed up the process for me. but then again, everyone is different.

    Also, 2.5mg per day is a lot!. I use 0.5, and after a wile it does wonders

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    think I could go back on if I went low doses and continue to use letro? Or would that probably stop the shrinkage?

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