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Thread: Why must test be run at 100mgs higher than EQ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Why must test be run at 100mgs higher than EQ?

    Many of you claims that test should be run at 100mgs/ew higher than EQ, some people say this is wrong. What's the right thing to do? I would like to do 500mgs of each or maybe 600mgs/ew with eq but I won't go higher than 500mgs/ew with test e.

    I understand the idea of running higher dosage of test with deca though, just not seeng the reason for it with eq..?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i dont belive in this

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Test dose must be higher than other compounds to elminate any possibilty of having low sex drive when replace your natural production with test but personally sometimes i make test lower than other compounds everyone is different i never lost my sex drive befor on or off so its about your body & how it respond but be safe than sorry & make the test dosage higher.

    good luck,

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    any studies support this claime????????????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by hosam4ever
    any studies support this claime????????????

    no studies but i have first hand experience of this


    test cyp 800mg ew
    eq 600mg ew
    tren a 525mg ew

    i started to get lose of libido felt crap. Exactly like i did when i done a deca d-bol cycle i knew something wasn't right so i added

    test prop 350mg ew

    after i added this about a week later my libido came back and i didn't feel lethargic

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hosam4ever
    any studies support this claime????????????

    Nope not right now but its logical for example you can lose your sex drive while using deca at 600mg & test at 200mg it coulod happen but like i said not with everyone i never experinced low sex drive with the test dose higher or lower but better be safe than sorry thats all am talking about.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by hosam4ever
    any studies support this claime????????????
    Nope, it's a myth. Boldenone is a testosterone derivative so there is really no need to run the test higher than the boldenone, nandrolone and trenbolone or any other progestins on the other hand should be ran at a lower dose than the test.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    no studies but i have first hand experience of this


    test cyp 800mg ew
    eq 600mg ew
    tren a 525mg ew

    i started to get lose of libido felt crap. Exactly like i did when i done a deca d-bol cycle i knew something wasn't right so i added

    test prop 350mg ew

    after i added this about a week later my libido came back and i didn't feel lethargic
    How could eq have anything to do with it? You even ran test at 200mgs higher.. Maybe it was too high estrogen levels from test?

    I just don't see why eq have anything to do with anything as long as you have test in your system.

    So big k.l.g, do you think 500mgs/ew testo e and 600mgs/ew equipoise sounds good?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by ace ventura
    How could eq have anything to do with it? You even ran test at 200mgs higher.. Maybe it was too high estrogen levels from test?

    I just don't see why eq have anything to do with anything as long as you have test in your system.

    So big k.l.g, do you think 500mgs/ew testo e and 600mgs/ew equipoise sounds good?

    i was using 2 compound's that contributed to the shut down eq and tren which was higher than the test.

    all i'am saying everyone is diffrent i know people who take tren and deca and don't run any test with no libido problems at all.

    me on the other hand i need to

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i never run test higher than any other compound with no sex prob once i was running just 500 mg test ew with 1500mg of deca with alote of other compounds with no problem at all

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Nope, it's a myth. Boldenone is a testosterone derivative so there is really no need to run the test higher than the boldenone, nandrolone and trenbolone or any other progestins on the other hand should be ran at a lower dose than the test.
    i do agree with k.l.j on this although personally i like to run test higher than anything else that i use,thats just me!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i belive that any good amount will do the jop

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Montréal, canada
    Quote Originally Posted by ace ventura
    How could eq have anything to do with it? You even ran test at 200mgs higher.. Maybe it was too high estrogen levels from test?

    I just don't see why eq have anything to do with anything as long as you have test in your system.

    So big k.l.g, do you think 500mgs/ew testo e and 600mgs/ew equipoise sounds good?
    sound good to me, depending on your previous cycle??


  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ace ventura
    Many of you claims that test should be run at 100mgs/ew higher than EQ, some people say this is wrong. What's the right thing to do? I would like to do 500mgs of each or maybe 600mgs/ew with eq but I won't go higher than 500mgs/ew with test e.

    I understand the idea of running higher dosage of test with deca though, just not seeng the reason for it with eq..?

    I have hear this before n a nother place on Internet..
    The point is..

    EQ is very similar as DECKA.
    Apart from decka is much much stronger then EQ.
    But the Testo construction in EQ is near testo you can get decka!!.
    You exchange possible 18 month off detectiontime to possible 5 month and on EQ/Boldone you need double maby three time biger dose to Get Decka Effect!!.

    And I think this is the "Decka fear".

    But.. enyway..
    You dont need 100mg over eq or decka.
    you need as the smallest dos to keep the health 15mg Dbol and that correspond to the normal Hormon levels lika self normal
    testo production 9mg to 15mg a day!!.
    Evrything over 15mg a day is a nother muscel growth benefit!!!.

    Last edited by The OutLord; 03-05-2006 at 09:00 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I will be running 500 mg of test enthate and 600 mg of eq. I think half a gram of test is plenty. I have run eq alone in the past and had no drop off in libido so with half a gram of test I have NO worries. My old source use to swear by this and it worked great for him. Only one way to find out.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bizz
    sound good to me, depending on your previous cycle??

    I did one cycle last year:

    1-4,5 Turanabol 50mg/ed
    1-14 Test e 500mg/ew
    14-15 Turanabol at high doses

    Was planning to do 45mgs of liquid anavar/ed for 8 weeks but it turned out to be fake.

    Had great results with tbol. I don't know, but I wonder if my test e was underdosed.. felt like the tbol did much more for me than the test.

    TheOutLord: In what way is EQ similar to Deca? It is not..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Nope, your test doesnt have to be higher than EQ. EQ is a testosterone derivative and molecular wise is very closely related to test. I've never had a problem running EQ a few hundred mills higher than my test.

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