Well just got back from the doctor with 4 prescriptions , 1 antibiotic, 2 for my throat, and one for my nasal.
I have not worked out since wedsday and today is sunday. THis week I managed to work out my chest, back, and bi's. Now my question is when I do make it back to the gym, hopefully by tommarow, do I just skip my shoulders, traps, and tris from the last week and start with my normal routine or should I work out those parts that I missed from being sick first.
ALso should I go back tommarow and do a light workout or continue to rest until I am near back to normal.
I delayed my test and deca shot by one day but decieded to take it today since I was not getting any better anyways?
DO any of you get sick while on cycle like this, it fukin sucks.