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Thread: Sick for the third time this cycle?

  1. #1

    Sick for the third time this cycle?

    Well just got back from the doctor with 4 prescriptions , 1 antibiotic, 2 for my throat, and one for my nasal.
    I have not worked out since wedsday and today is sunday. THis week I managed to work out my chest, back, and bi's. Now my question is when I do make it back to the gym, hopefully by tommarow, do I just skip my shoulders, traps, and tris from the last week and start with my normal routine or should I work out those parts that I missed from being sick first.
    ALso should I go back tommarow and do a light workout or continue to rest until I am near back to normal.
    I delayed my test and deca shot by one day but decieded to take it today since I was not getting any better anyways?

    DO any of you get sick while on cycle like this, it fukin sucks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    on the block in T dot
    does antibiotics effect u negitivly while on aas.?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    I get sick all of the time when I am on a cycle. It sucks. I am on a tren/test cycle now and I've got sick twice so far, including right now. I have not worked out for a week now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    bump stupid cold wasting my cycle missed 2 1/2 days work cant wait till I feel good again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    cardio would be o.k. as it will help w/ distribution of nutrients and vitamins.

    I would not resistance train. When you' are on cycle you are pushing your body VERY hard. You push to the point where you can break it down the most w/ it still being able to recover. If you're like me you're always on the border line of pushing your body to the limit.

    It's trying to fight the sickness iinside right now. YOu need all your resources going to help you get healthy. Don't further break down your muscles, it' will make it that much ahrder to recover from training and from being ill

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by mrsuperpump
    does antibiotics effect u negitivly while on aas.?

    Regardless if it does or not some times their is no other choice, but I dont believe they inhibit you that much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX
    yeah. i get sick on almost every cycle i do. prolly by the 3rd week. ive had a cold for a week and now i think i have the flu. it sucks!! i cant eat, train, or go on with my normal schedule. i thought i was getting over it after a week and now ive got a damn fever and cant keep any food down.

  8. #8

    So what can we do to somewhat prevent getting sick

    I have been taking the following this cycle for vitamins
    • Multi vitamin
    • b12
    • b6
    • c
    • fish oil
    • glutamine
    • plus all my protien shakes are loaded with vitamins

    what else can you do so next cycle I dont have to go through this again?

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