I shot winny depot(.5cc, 50 mg) and test prop(.75 cc, 75 mg) into my right bicep last night, had both the winny and prop in same syringe, I know I went through a vein close to the surface, didn't see the vein when i poked it in, but today I can see the vein close to the surface and there is a small bruise where the pin went in. this mornin my bicep hurt real bad, not red or hot or anything like that, just real sore, so I put a hot water bottle on it and made it feel better, but now my bicep is getting big, especially when I flex, it's kinda soft and puffy, is this just some internal bleeding from goin through the vein?? I'm really hoping not an infection, there is no pain, it's not red and not hot, just looks quite puffy, anybody had experience with this that can ease my mind or let me know what I should do? BTW I am very clean and careful when injecting, always wash my hands, swab the top of vial with alcohol, and change the pin after drawin gear out, always aspirate.