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Thread: hemotoma or infection in right bi!!??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Up North

    Exclamation hemotoma or infection in right bi!!??

    I shot winny depot(.5cc, 50 mg) and test prop(.75 cc, 75 mg) into my right bicep last night, had both the winny and prop in same syringe, I know I went through a vein close to the surface, didn't see the vein when i poked it in, but today I can see the vein close to the surface and there is a small bruise where the pin went in. this mornin my bicep hurt real bad, not red or hot or anything like that, just real sore, so I put a hot water bottle on it and made it feel better, but now my bicep is getting big, especially when I flex, it's kinda soft and puffy, is this just some internal bleeding from goin through the vein?? I'm really hoping not an infection, there is no pain, it's not red and not hot, just looks quite puffy, anybody had experience with this that can ease my mind or let me know what I should do? BTW I am very clean and careful when injecting, always wash my hands, swab the top of vial with alcohol, and change the pin after drawin gear out, always aspirate.

  2. #2
    i don't think its an infection, probably more like a bruise. Your injection technique sounds good and sounds like you know and the signs/symptoms of infection --> warm to touch, redness, pain, etc. Continue to monitor it closely and if it persists or gets worse go see your MD. good luck w/ it, hope you get better

  3. #3
    Just sounds like some inflamation from the injection. I get a small amount of bruising almost every time that inject into my bicep. Not sure why, but usually get a small bruise at the injection site.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Up North
    Quote Originally Posted by velvetlion
    Just sounds like some inflamation from the injection. I get a small amount of bruising almost every time that inject into my bicep. Not sure why, but usually get a small bruise at the injection site.
    yeah I sometimes get that too, but my right bi really looks big, but it's not hard just soft, im thinkin a hemotoma, what got me nervous is when i saw that tool, cant remember his name, the guy that was on tlc that had huge arms and he was drawin blood out of his bi because of a hemotoma, and he had an infection, and the doc had to cut some of his bi out, just got me nervous thats all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Give it some time..... U shld have seen how bad my right tri swelled up after shooting it for the first and only time..... It hurt sooooo bad for 4 days.... but damn it looked huge..... Keep an eye on your body temp... if u start running a fever then I wld think abcess.... otherwise just let it run it's course....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Gettin Big
    yeah I sometimes get that too, but my right bi really looks big, but it's not hard just soft, im thinkin a hemotoma, what got me nervous is when i saw that tool, cant remember his name, the guy that was on tlc that had huge arms and he was drawin blood out of his bi because of a hemotoma, and he had an infection, and the doc had to cut some of his bi out, just got me nervous thats all.

    That tool was G.V...... I think it wld take longer then a day for an actual infection to show up.... just keep an eye on it...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Gettin Big
    yeah I sometimes get that too, but my right bi really looks big, but it's not hard just soft, im thinkin a hemotoma, what got me nervous is when i saw that tool, cant remember his name, the guy that was on tlc that had huge arms and he was drawin blood out of his bi because of a hemotoma, and he had an infection, and the doc had to cut some of his bi out, just got me nervous thats all.
    Greg Valentino is an idiot. He had more synthol in his biceps than anything else. It is amazing that he didn't have any problems before that.

    Just keep an eye on it, bro. If it was some type of infection, you would want to get it taken care of right away. Seems like it would be a bit painful if it were a infection or even a hemotoma.

  8. #8
    Big, you're talking about greg valentino AKA "the synthrol freak". forget that sh*t. Like vega said it usually takes more than a day for an infection. If it is an infection the pain, swelling, redness, heat will be very noticable

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