what is so dangerous about drinking and using gear
what is so dangerous about drinking and using gear
The DANGER lies in drinking when on 17AA steroids (most oral steroids are 17AA steroids). 17AA steroids are highly liver toxic. Alcohol is also toxic to the liver. Drinking and taking 17AAs puts WAY too much stress on the liver--and having a healthy liver is important, if you for example, want to live...
On other steroids: alcohol just plain is bad stuff for your body. If I drink, my workouts suffer A LOT, whether I am on steroids or not. I can't work as hard as I normally do the next day and I am not as strong.
Alcohol is toxic to your body, it dehydrates you, it adds empty calories, it can cause a spike in blood sugar levels that causes carbs to be stored as fat and not available for you to use in building muscle or as fuel for your workout--basically it does a lot of things that go counter to your goal of building muscle.
So, how's that sound?
so are u saying that if u are on injectibles u can still drink once a week and not get worried?
In moderation. My view on it is that if I am serious enough to eat the diet I eat, poke myself every fucking day, and absolutely kill my muscles 5x a week why in the hell would I want to add the stress of booze and risk hurting myself or having it interfere with my progress.
This is exactly what I think also..A lot of my friends dont understand that either.. Some times it gives me motivation when some one tried to poke fun, because I dont drink to have a good time, just because I train.Originally posted by DiMensionX
In moderation. My view on it is that if I am serious enough to eat the diet I eat, poke myself every fucking day, and absolutely kill my muscles 5x a week why in the hell would I want to add the stress of booze and risk hurting myself or having it interfere with my progress.
not even a shot or two when you party on weekends?
Yes, I'll have a drink "once" and a while. I'm not gonna lie about it. If I really want to get buzzed I'll do some GHB instead as it's easier on the liver but more dangerous if you don't do it in moderation.
Does "partying on the weekends" mean that I have to drink to have a good time?? no.Originally posted by MisterClean
not even a shot or two when you party on weekends?
Well, you can do pretty much anything you want, but how does it affect your overall goals? Is it worth the tradeoff?Originally posted by dbolkid
so are u saying that if u are on injectibles u can still drink once a week and not get worried?
These kinds of posts tend to piss me off (sorry atbwarr nothing personal) but it seems as if no one has any dedication these days and are looking for anyone that said "yeah I drink alot and I still get gains" so they can go get trashed while on the shit.. This isnt like loading up creatine. Its altering your bodies chemical composition and its not exactly the best thing for your liver to begain with. So why the hell would you want to risk fucking yourself up permenately? Shit if you cant handle it and its such a huge sacrifice to give up drinking for 10 wks then wait till your mature enough to handle that and stay off the shit.. People that ask these questions are usually the first to blame the gear and not themselves... you just need to ask yourself which is more important. Sorry I had to get on my soapbox for the day...
Here's my dimes worth on this:
First off, if you drink alcohol while on juice then you are "cheating" your goals.
BUT, people that get really excited about this are people that don't "normally" drink alcohol very much anyways-so it would seem. I have seen people on here say "smoke weed" instead of "drink alcohol". This doesn't make sense to me either.
I would guess that at least 75% of the people working out in a serious fashion "cheat" numerous times throughout a cycle in many different ways (I am excluding bb's that are training for shows). The cheating may be diet (not eating enough, eating too much, eating shitty, etc.), not drinking enough water, not training "every" training day, not training long enough, training too long and hard, not getting enough rest, etc.
But, for some reason, people that don't normally "like" to drink want to castrate the people that do want to drink and are trying find out what the repercussions for doing so on cycle will be -although, truth be known, they are "cheating" themselves in different ways but don't realize it or want to admit it.
Like anything in life, don't overdue anything that can be "bad" for you. Yes, drinking alcohol while on gear will probably inhibit your gains - But so will many other things. Do the things that you need to do to make it through life. It's your choice, your body, your decision.
I am 30 years young, successful, married with no kids. I occasionally drink while on cycle and it doesn't have anything to do with my "maturity" level. I know what the costs are, and if it "pisses you off", oh well. But it is my decision and I encourage anyone that has questions like these to ask them. At least when you decide to "cheat", in whatever way, you will have an educated knowledge of what the costs to your goals are going to be. Like Ajax said, "is it worth the tradeoff?" To me, occasional cheating helps me get through life - and that makes the tradeoff worth it.
Just wanted to add a slightly different view on your question bro.
It's real bad on your liver and cuts down protein synthesis among other things which will greatly reduce your gains while on AS. You'd be waisting your time going on AS if you can't stay away from booze. You have to decide which one is more important to you and choose.
you can drink once in a while (shot or 2), just don't over do it, while one gear or not, drinking, smoking, and doing other drugs is gonna hinder your gains. Drinking while on any medication is a bad idea, emotionally and physically. Do searches on it bro, thats why the site has a search engine.
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