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Thread: Any legal way to get steroids????

  1. #1

    Exclamation Any legal way to get steroids????

    I was just wondering if there was any legal way to get juice in the states? I know a lott of guys that get it from some nut cases. But if I ever decide to take some I want to know the in's and out's of it before I do. I have been a member here for a while and I love reading all the posts, but I have never seen a post about this. Thanks for any imput or comments. Please just let me know what you guys think. Thanks bros.... stay strong!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dark Side of the Moon
    Click the banner below your post. There are a few stipulations, though.

  3. #3
    Cool thanks Stacker I'll check it out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The only legal way to get it is by doctor's prescreption otherwise i dont know because i live in a country where the juice is legal.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    hey..I dont know
    any nut cases..

  6. #6
    haha.. well I know a few. One guy has never even done any and he acts like he is the most knowlageable person on the subject. I wouldn't buy cold medicen for my dog from this dude.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    This is the place for
    advice great bunch of
    knowledgeable guys here.

  8. #8
    I called oasis rejuvination clinic the other day about this very topic. You have to get some blood tests done for liver and kidney values and you have to have a low testosterone level. Then you fax the results to them and THEIR doctor looks it all over and decides wether or not you get the prescription. If you do, you decide what you get and how much. So if you want to have a low test level then make sure you have the blood test done after ending a cycle, lol. Only prob I can see with that is that your liver values will probably still be elevated as well. The real catch 22 is their prices!! Higher then a damn cats back!! When I complained that their prices were more then double that for the same product purchased on the black market all the guy said was that from them you know that what you are paying for is INDEED what you are paying for and you know it's safe. Guess I can't argue with that.Also, they didn't have any of the gear that I like. I.E. Equipoise,tbol. But they did have winny. Most of what they have are testosterone suspentions of some type. So better get an anti-e with it too and they sell those too and those are really high priced too. Plan on about 30-40 bucks a day out of your pocket taking the legal route. If not more. So bottom line, if you want to do steroids and you want to be safe and legal, you better have a low natural test level, and a very big bank account. Hope this helps.

  9. #9
    Also, the guy I talked to on the phone was a rude punk. Sounded pretty young and was not very helpful. Had to pry all the info I got out of him. He deff wasn't a very polite person. And didn't seem very knowledgable either.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dark Side of the Moon
    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke
    Also, the guy I talked to on the phone was a rude punk. Sounded pretty young and was not very helpful. Had to pry all the info I got out of him. He deff wasn't a very polite person. And didn't seem very knowledgable either.
    I said there were stipulations, but I did not want to type them all out.
    I have used them and they are expensive as hell, but I can honestly say noone was ever rude to me. They were very helpful. If you qualify, you can get anything approved for use in the USA.

  11. #11
    He might have been some new punk. Just seemed to me that he didn't give a rats ass wether I was really interested or not. Nor did he want to help. Just wanted to get off the phone. He said he would email me some additional information. But he never did.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    In The Gym
    I agree with string. My brother called Oasis one day and said the guy was rude and seemed like he was more eager to leave than help!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    Why would you have to buy their products? If it a legal prescription from a doctor you could take it anywhere, right?

  14. #14
    thanks for all the posts guys. I value all of your openions ant thoughts. I am wondering what is considered to be a low testosterone level. If I am a healthy person with normal i.e. no juice in my sistem I still wont get the percription will I? So what # would be a low level?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Boricua Pump
    I agree with string. My brother called Oasis one day and said the guy was rude and seemed like he was more eager to leave than help!
    Yes, that was EXACTLY my take on the situation. Well said

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    Why would you have to buy their products? If it a legal prescription from a doctor you could take it anywhere, right?

    Well, not from what I understand. The above mentioned outfit kinda sets it up in a way where you have to use one of the two pharmacies that they deal with. One's in california and I can't remember where the other one is. And to top it all of they won't deal with your insurance company you have to do all of that. Which I have never had to do before so I probably would not be very comfortable doing that. When I get my prescription meds they are just antibiotics when I get sick. I pick them up at wal-mart pharmacy, they scan my prescription benefits card from my employer and I pay a VERY SMALL fee for the prescription and I am on my way. Too bad it can't be that easy. It should be set up to be that easy. But I doubt that it ever will be. That would be too good to be true. LOL

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