Had a bad injection (was clean but my hand was a bit shakey during the actual injection) last thursday. I've been monitoring it since the saturday, when I expected the swelling to go down. It's now tuesday, still very sore (maybe even a bit itchy), still a bit swollen, looks a bit brused and warm to touch. I assume it is infected and there for am gonna hit up the ER or a clinic tonight for the "oh so fun" slice and drain.. Never had an infection yet.. but a few buddies have, and I hear it isn't fun.

Anyways.. to my question.. Should I continue to inject with this cycle..? I assume my vials are not contaminated.. but.. I can't be sure since I cleaned everything during the injection (vial, hands, spot to be injected, aspirated, etc)... Has anyone had this experience, and continued the cycle.. or did you come off?