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  1. #1
    weaz12 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006

    Soarness is unbearable...Why is this??????

    I have just recently tried Trenbolone Acetate. I started at 35mg eod..and the pain was pretty bad..i upped the dosage to 75mg eod and the pain was so bad that i couldnt even touch the area. It would not hurt going in but the next day I would have a knot the size of a golfball and serious swelling. It would hurt all around the area and was red and would actually itch. This happened every time i injected..i know it was not infected because since i have stopped using it, it has gone away...the only other gear that has ever given me so much pain was sustanon250. The other weird thing is that both have given me flu-like symptoms to the point that i couldnt even workout for 3 days at a clip. I thought maybe these effects would go away but I quit after the first week. What can I do? I want to take trenbolone so bad but I cant bear the pain or these flu-like symptoms? Can anyone help with some advice on what to do or past experiences??????????

  2. #2
    DBIsSaucy is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    my buddy is takin the sus and he complains as well although he doesnt get the flu like sysmtoms but he says his ass hurts for days i hear sus is a painful one

  3. #3
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by weaz12
    I have just recently tried Trenbolone Acetate. I started at 35mg eod..and the pain was pretty bad..i upped the dosage to 75mg eod and the pain was so bad that i couldnt even touch the area. It would not hurt going in but the next day I would have a knot the size of a golfball and serious swelling. It would hurt all around the area and was red and would actually itch. This happened every time i injected..i know it was not infected because since i have stopped using it, it has gone away...the only other gear that has ever given me so much pain was sustanon250. The other weird thing is that both have given me flu-like symptoms to the point that i couldnt even workout for 3 days at a clip. I thought maybe these effects would go away but I quit after the first week. What can I do? I want to take trenbolone so bad but I cant bear the pain or these flu-like symptoms? Can anyone help with some advice on what to do or past experiences??????????
    Did you make the tren yourself? Sounds like whoever made it may have put in an excess amount of Benzyl Alcohol. Tren is not usually that painful of an injection.

    As for the flu like symptoms, tren is notorious for causing all kinds of sides and flu is one that I have heard of. Maybe they would subside if you had some better tren to work with that didn't cause such pain and inflamation. Especially at only 35mg! I would start the tren at anything less than 75mg./eod and preferably would run it ED.

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