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Thread: Feeling Really Sleepy

  1. #1

    Feeling Really Sleepy

    I'm on my first cycle of gear, i'm taking 400ml Deca a week,, and this is my 4th week on it. I feel sooooo Sleepy, and i have a really bad cold......Anyone ever feel this before? thanks in advance

  2. #2
    everytime i cycle i seem to get extremely tired,no matter what i take.just make sure you get a good workout and take advantage of the sleepynesss and sleep,this is the time you grow!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ya, why is that? I'm on d-bol and deca and I am tired a lot of the time. Does anyone have a slightly decent answer? And shouldn't it just be the opposite when your on juice?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    as most know if you been reading my posts I just started deca a week ago. Just did my second shot today. I am also doing test cyp with it. I heard that deca can make your mood go down a bit but with test its not supposed to.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Could very well be because DECA is not very androgenic. You need androgens (DHT) for central nervious stimulation. DECA is known to block that stimulus to the brain receptors. That is one reason why DECA is less harsh on the hair and can cause impotence when used by itself. Another reason is that DECA shoots down natural T production. A system of low t is triedness. You may be running on DECA fumes right now. DECA is one of those steroids that you don't really feel, you just notice that you lift more and gain weight.

    A good way to go is a 2 to 1 ratio of Test to Deca.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dudes high bp is also an option, high bp would make anyone tired and that is very dangerous... if you find your heart beating faster, if you ware warmer or flushed, drink more water, get some sleep, check it out.
    also dont forget, on AAS your immune responses are sometiems compromised and although you dont get "cold" persay from the drugs you take you can MORE EASILY get them because of decressed specialized immune cells. Stay out of crowded areas, get sleep, you should be fine!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Medicine Man, You are ripped in your avatar. I bet you dont have any trouble getting dates. holy flyfish....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South, FL
    I've been on fina for 2 weeks and the past two days have been rough. I have felt sore all over. I checked my BP yesterday and it's doesn't look like a problem (133s/74s/82bpm). I have had more of a work load that past few days and I haven't been able to get 8 hours of sleep. More like 6 hours. I've eaten a little less than I should have too. Last night I slept a good ten hours so I feel much better today. Although, I have been waking up every night in cold sweats and having to pee like a race horse. Drinking ~2 gals of water a day would cause that I guess. Well, today I add 50mg of winny EOD to the 75mg of fina ed. I'll see how it goes this week..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    In Alberta's Oil Patch
    Dbol makes me very tired. Just take some clen prior to workouts and then sleep like a baby. Watch yourself grow!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Woodlands TX
    Hell I get sleepy as shit when I inject winny!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Are you using test in your cycle? Think about adding it.

    I'm on a test only cycle. I've been sweating at night, waking up and getting little sleep some nights; BUT I've found that once I'm out of bed , the test is giving me more energy to stay up during the day (in more ways than one).
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 07-07-2002 at 08:43 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    IMO, alot of the sleepiness is caused by the suppression of natural testosterone levels, extra stress on your body do to the chemicals you are putting into your body. From my experiance, a test only cycle will not make you feel tired. If you read up on the previous posts you will see that alot of the people complaining about being tired are hitting cycles with out any test in them, leaving you feeling tired like and old man with low test levels.


  13. #13
    I've just finished my first cycle too which was 400mg of Deca only. I experienced exactly the same symptom of tiredness, although put 15kg on my bench press and 9lbs on my bodyweight.
    As my workouts have been more intense with a big increase in weight used in a short time, I put it down to the extra strain on the body (first cycle and all) but was suprised coz I'd read that AS INCREASE recovery not diminish it.
    Perhaps, as others have said, it is because the Deca supresses the body's natural test. and is a low androgen.
    I've got the gear for my second cycle already, and I'm going with Test. Enanthate and Deca this time. It'll be interesting to see if I have the same tiredness.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    You should be very happy with the results.. Have you ever thought about EQ? people have mixed thoughts about the two(decca and EQ).

    just wondering

    keep us posted on how it goes.


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