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  1. #1
    jeff74 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2005

    Need help on first cycle..

    Hello guys..I need some help here. Ok gaining weight and being the ectomorph i have been for a long time has been a lifelong battle..I have finally managed to get myself to 155, 160. I am 32 and but look more like 21. I am 5 foot 8. I am a good looking guy just look way below my age. I know 155 isnt alot but it is mostly muscle on me..I train my ass off and im very strong for my size. Muscle seems to come easy but i lose it when i stop working out for a long time or drop calories..
    I am currently supplementing with no2 and ce2 witch i think is great stuff and has helped me out alot. Now i have decided to do a cycle for the first time. I am going to be strict on everything..calories sleep....everything to do with the cycle is going to be to a t because i want to get the most out of it and not loose a lot..Ive already got great shape now and good muscle...I am looking to bulk up now. I need weight in the face and neck area and pretty much all over.Thats why im not worried about water retention or some fat because i need that. I know i will blow up on this first cycle and i cant wait . But i really want this to be a strict and perfect cycle no shortcuts...
    This is my question...I plan on using dbol for the first 4 weeks and use test ethenate 250mg twice a week along with proper anti e.. and strict pct. I have read this stuff inside and out and i think im ready except for the cycle information. Could someone please tell me exactly what i should use before the cycle during the cycle and after the cycle to get the most out of it. weeks and mgs..
    Now for my first cycle is it ok to add deca with the test ethanate or is that too much for the first cycle. Im really looking for mass all over the body. I will be getting in around 4000 calories a day and 200 grams of protein. Im planning on running the test for 12 weeks and dbol for the first 4.
    Also can i take no2 and ce2 during the last few weeks of the cycle to help me keep the gains..i believe these two products will work great. Or can i take the no2 throughout the cycle. Thanks for your help..i really need it.

  2. #2
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    I really and truly urge you not to run this cycle. At 5'8" and 155lbs you are not close to your genetic potential man. I am only one inch taller than you but waited till I was 205lbs before I did my first cycle. You just need to eat a ton more and you will gain trust me. Make your cals 4000 per day now and get 300g protein per day. I can tell you are gonna run this cycle anyways but let me tell you, you arent ready.

    So if you run it do:
    1-10 Test E 500mg EW (2 injections 3.5 days apart)
    D-bol 1-4 30-40mg ED
    Nolva on hand in case of gyno or as a preventitive measure 10mg ED.


  3. #3
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    EAT EAT EAT first bro.... Bino is right.....

  4. #4
    jeff74 is offline New Member
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    Man i know about the eating its cost em a fortune lol. I really dont think im going to gain much more than 165 naturally..I have hit 165 before and couldnt get past it..I honestly think i maxed out or damn close to it. I would be just fine hitting 180 and keeping that seriously..i would be extatic. Age is closing in and i feel this is the right time to do it to make me happy. Thanks for your help i will keep these things in mind. Im going to start eating like u said but if i cant get to 165,170 then i will run it. But i figured being my age i should just start it with the 4000 calories since its going to cost me crap load in food anyways. Gets frustrating sometimes u know..Honestly seeing the calorie intake proper pct and enough much do u think i will gain and keep of this first cycle. Ps dont forget im in great physical shape and im all muscle just little fat.
    Last edited by jeff74; 03-09-2006 at 03:01 AM.

  5. #5
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Maybe try some weight gainers man. They can add an extra 1000cals in a day and dont hit the wallet too hard.


  6. #6
    jeff74 is offline New Member
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    One more question..when i do do my cycle. I was wondering if it is ok to keep taking no2 and my creatine ethel ester throught the cycle and through pct cause i dont have o cycle off no2 or ce2 ..Just wondering cause i have had great results with the no2. Or would that be too much..Just want to know if its safe and wouldnt cause any problems. Id probably start the no2 after the 4 weeks of dbol .
    Last edited by jeff74; 03-10-2006 at 11:24 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    toys for twats truck
    creatine and no2 are not necessary while on. save it for after. if i need an energy boost before the gym i just drink a couple cups of coffee.

    and like bino said, look into Optimum Nutritions Pro Complex Gainer, or ABB's XXL. both cheap products to add quality cals to you diet. up the protein to 300 grams. you can get this easily with tuna and chicken plus your shakes.

    food is going to be your biggest expense.

    ha ha, bino, i start typing my suggestions then see you've already said it.

    dammit, beat me to it

  8. #8
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    LOL. Im quick man, Im quick.


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