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  1. #1
    IXISiDiuSIXI's Avatar
    IXISiDiuSIXI is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005

    advice on extending cycle

    Im on a cycle of the following. was originally supposed to be 15 week cycle.

    test e 750mg a wk
    deca 500mg a wk
    eq 600mg a wk

    So this has to be the worst luck ever but here's what has happened so far. I feel fine for the first 2 and half 3 weeks of the cycle. Then I go to chili's and get food poisening which puts me down and out for a solid week!. I'm talkin throwin up, and shitting everything out me and and barely being able to sip pedialite and eat vitamins for almost the entire time. So I start to feel a lot better and not more than about a week and a half later, I get the flu that my gf kindly gave me which wasn't as bad as food poisening, but pretty damn close. So that sets me back ANOTHER week. I didn't take any injections the whole week I had food poisening because I wasn't going to the gym at all and I figured it would be a waste, so I planned on just expanding the cycle out another week or so. Then that flu did the same thing to me, so I figured wtf whatever will just see what happens I'll just see how my body feels and see if I want to expand it out or not. I only did one shot that week i had the flu. So I finally start to get great gaines around week 8!!(minus 2 weeks so actually week 6 I guess). It's now week 14 (actually week 12 if you minus the 2 weeks for being sick). Most of my gains have came late so i don't know how long I should stick this thing out. But here's the topper, IM SICK AGAIN!!!! I went to indiana and being around a bunch of sick people at the airport i got something and I've been in bed the past 3 days with a virus. i tried to go the gym but I can't breathe and it's really hard for me to work out. I get shortness of breath ect. So I guess my question is, how long would you continue this cycle for? another week or 3 weeks to make up for being sick? I have enough gear to run another 5 weeks if I wanted to but I just figure I would see what you guys thought. thanks

  2. #2
    TinTin78's Avatar
    TinTin78 is offline Member
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    Nov 2005
    I would just stop it then, maybe your body is telling you not to do this. I always take signs like that very seriously, repetitive sickness and so on is always signs of one to slow down if you ask me. But I am a stubborn bastard myself so i would probably just destroy myself in the attempts to get something out of it.

    It's your choice, but extending and extending, you being sick and all makes the body even harder to recover after.

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