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Thread: Taking winny feeling mad,moody and tired

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Taking winny feeling mad,moody and tired

    I am doing a prop/winny cycle. I have used winny twice before with no sides. I am getting mad very quickly and also feeling very tired. I have done six test cycles( used winny with 2 of them) in the past three years and have had no problems. Could this be from the winny ?? Any input?? Cycle looks like this

    wk 1-10 prop 75mg ED
    wk 5-10 winny 50mg ED

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Hows the carb intake in the diet? With the presented compounds I"m sure you're under some kind of caloric restriction.

    When I drop my carbs I get moody and lathargic all the time.......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Hows the carb intake in the diet? With the presented compounds I"m sure you're under some kind of caloric restriction.

    When I drop my carbs I get moody and lathargic all the time.......
    Good point I was also thinking that but kinda thought it might be the winny. I am eating 50-60 carbs ED at this point. Have done lots of low carb diets in the past and I agree with about the moody latargic thing. It just seems diffrent this time not sure why!! Could it be the winny??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Could it be the winny??

    I wouldnt rule it out but highly doubt it.

    I'm going to look for it tomorrow b/c I"m signing off but If I remember correctly the Brain needs about 50g of crabs daily for proper function. If it doesnt get it from food then gluconeogenesis will take over to get glucose from another source. One of the other 2 available Macros. Therefore you feel like crap and cant really finction the same.

    You'll never see a BB'er feeling great and motivated a week or 2 out of their show. Well unless its pure adrenalin from what's to come.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    I wouldnt rule it out but highly doubt it.

    I'm going to look for it tomorrow b/c I"m signing off but If I remember correctly the Brain needs about 50g of crabs daily for proper function. If it doesnt get it from food then gluconeogenesis will take over to get glucose from another source. One of the other 2 available Macros. Therefore you feel like crap and cant really finction the same.

    You'll never see a BB'er feeling great and motivated a week or 2 out of their show. Well unless its pure adrenalin from what's to come.
    I totally agree I am a certified nutritionist and CPT and from everything I have learned you do not want to go much under 50g of carbs ED due to the above afore mentioned reasons . You are prob correct about it just begin from diet . My energy is getting bonked due to the carb restriction and giving me these sides this time around!! Thanks for your advise!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    I am a certified nutritionist and CPT
    Nice!!! What kind of nutrition Cert? Apex?

    What kind of CPT cert? I've been training for quite a few years and have been certified several times with NASM being my favorite.

    Hopefully you've got somewhat of an answer you wanted Mercedes.

    Do you have a benz too? Maybe we have more in common then I thought

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    [QUOTE=Jayhova]Nice!!! What kind of nutrition Cert? Apex?

    What kind of CPT cert? I've been training for quite a few years and have been certified several times with NASM being my favorite.

    Hopefully you've got somewhat of an answer you wanted Mercedes.

    Do you have a benz too? Maybe we have more in common then I thought [/QUOTE

    I am cert by ACE and Nesta.. Yea I have a benz new E-320 really like the new S class . Have you seen that?? It has some crazy night vision in it !! What kind of benz are you rollin? Thanks again for the input !!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    PM sent so we dont clog up your thread. Maybe you'll get some more feedback..........

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