whats up guys, just started my cycle today. got it maped out to the T. really lookin forward to this one cuz i will finally reach my personal goal. the big 200 pounds. just need 15 pounds this cycle and im home free. just checkin what everyone else thinks about it.

dbol 40 mg weeks 1-4
test ent- 400mg weeks 1-10
deca 200mg weeks 1-10

would really like to stick with these low doses cuz my body seemed to work well on them last cycle without ne probs. and its my first time runnin deca, and i have been told i should like the results. im a nutrition major at miami university so i got my diet mapped out too. pct with a lil nolva and if need b some hcg , but i dont think at these doses i will need it. but allways open for advice. tell me what ya'll think and wish me luck