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Thread: ACCUTANE/PCT update:

  1. #1

    Arrow ACCUTANE/PCT update:

    Ok just to let everyone know, I started accutane (80mg) treatment almost 4 weeks ago, and at the same time, started pct (nolva 30mg ED).
    I was a little nervous starting both of these treatments at the same time, because of the potential combined sides. But under the advise of AR, decided to go with it.

    So... The accutane is great. I had the intial break out for the first week, and since then, everything is dying down. My back has nothing new, just old cysts and bumps healing and drying up. My face is very good, improved to pre steroid status. Only sides I got a a little bit of dry skin, and chapped lips. Nothing major at all.

    PCT is also great. Im not missing the clomid. I have only lost 3 pounds since last injecton, which is very good imo. My stregth has not suffered, Im still putting up about the same weight. Sex drive is down a bit, but not too bad. Istead of wanting it (or sometimes getting it) 4 times a day, im down to once a day. Nothing I cant live with temp. But Im defianlly NOT shut down. I would recomend the nolva only pct, but only time will tell.

  2. #2
    Last cycle was:

    test E 400mg per week 1-13*
    deca 300mg per week 1-12

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    how much roacutane were you taking? 80mg/day?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ACCUTANE IS THE BOMB...I did 7 months @ 60-80mg a day....I have been off for a month and my face is good..Im going to put the accutane to the real test and see if i still break out during PCT of my next cycle.. Im hoping since i did the tane cycle i wont breakout from future AAS use..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by lucidp
    how much roacutane were you taking? 80mg/day?
    I started out at 40mg for the first two weeks, and now I am taking 80mg per day.
    I have not had any serious sides at all, it seems that all these people on the internet (not ar) are dramatic about the sides.
    Ar people were alot more realistic about what sides i was looking to get. And once aggain, im glad i followed the advise of ar

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by orosco
    ACCUTANE IS THE BOMB...I did 7 months @ 60-80mg a day....I have been off for a month and my face is good..Im going to put the accutane to the real test and see if i still break out during PCT of my next cycle.. Im hoping since i did the tane cycle i wont breakout from future AAS use..
    Yea i am very happy with it. Its only been 4 weeks and I have not gotten any new pimples sicnce my intial breakout. My face is not oily and shiny all day which is great.

    Yea i got the same test; Im off cycle on pct, and its still working great so you should be fine.
    My test is when I go back on cycle in a few months and see if this accutane can stand the powerfull test sides....
    Acne is the only side i get, so if i can elliminate that, I will be a very happy juicer

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    San Antonio, Texas
    The only sides I got from accutane were chapped lips and ONE bloody nose. I had to take it twice though, the acne came back after about a year and a half after the first 6 month prescription.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    your sides get worse as the treatment goes on but it was one of the best decisions i have ever made

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    your sides get worse as the treatment goes on but it was one of the best decisions i have ever made
    The sides worsened in my case as time went on to. Cant argue the fact that it was also one of the best decisions I ever made..............

  10. #10
    yea I'm definally banking on the fact that the end results outway the sides.
    the internet has a way of associating accutane with suicide too much, I thought I was gonna be a walking head case...

    I'm just concerned about going back on cycle in a few months and it all coming back!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by tvd220
    I'm just concerned about going back on cycle in a few months and it all coming back!
    This will vary upon the individual. I've been off tane for several years and can count on one hand how many zits I've gotten.

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