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Thread: First Timer here..NEED HELP PLEASE! pretty please?! (pic posted)

  1. #1

    Talking First Timer here..NEED HELP PLEASE! pretty please?! (pic posted)

    Hey guys,

    This is going to be my first time trying steroids and was wondering what you all recommend. heres the deal, I have been skinny MY ENTIRE LIFE and AM SICK OF IT, now at 33 ! Ive tried weight gainers, protein shakes, creatine and various other supplements all with very minimal results. My #1 problem area is my shoulders BIG TIME, they JUST WONT GROW!! So now I have resorted to my last option which is steroids, I have a friend that gave me a vial of Depo-Testosterone 100mg AND another for 200MG ...PLUS Testim Gel (2 boxes) Are any of these products ok for me to take to start out with? If not what do you guys recommend? I should also mention that I had acute Hepatitis B about 2 years ago and although I completely recovered (cured) and my Dr says my liver is now normal I still dont want to do anything that will put to much stress on my liver, any advice guys??? I am deperate and ANY advice would be greatly appreciated! I attached a pic so you can see what I am up against.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    what are your stats mate.....
    training exp???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Whats your status bro?? & i think you can do alot just by getting a good diet & training you will gain alot naturaly now.

    Just my 0.02c

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  4. #4
    seeing that your 33 i will not say wait and train natural because your old enough to choose wisely.
    no those dont sound like good choices for a drug(never heard of them and its pretty weak per ml).
    buy some test-e enough for 12 weeks at 500mg per week also buy hcg nolva and clomid for pct.all ways have all your gear including pct before you start.
    you say your healthy,this is very important and blood test/general health test should allways be performed before you start a cycle.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    how long you been training?

  6. #6
    Thanks guys! I am 5'8 155lbs. My training experience had been very very limited. I hit the gym 4 days a week (is that enough?) and I only do the same muscle group once a week so shoulders- tues, chest- wed, arms- thurs..... ect ect . The stuff that my friend gave me is basically testosterone, any idea how to minimize the acne that will come from it?? Any otehr ideas? When you say diet, should I be eating MORE?? and if so what will give me the best gains?

  7. #7
    Oh and i forgot to mention..I have only been training for 2 months. But shouldnt I be seeing something more dramatic now, esp considering all the protien shakes and creatine and supplements? Not to mention that I am killing myself at the gym BUT I limit my time at the gym to an hour TOPS so I dont overtrain. Also, before I trained for 6 months SOLID also with minimal results.

  8. #8
    ok well i thought you ment you have been training for years and cant get any more gains...keep at your training for at least a year then look at gear.
    4 days per week is plenty and alot of guys here me included only train that much,its quality not quantity that counts in takes alot longer than 2 months to see any apperciable gains.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    listen friend if you have only been training for 2 months that is nowhere near enuff gym time under your belt to start using steroids....................i would suggest you get at least two years of solid training in with a sound will gain around 20-30lbs in that time frame if you are seriouse....then and only then would i say yes you could start gear....
    prolly not what you wanted to hear but you are not exp enuff to be using yet..............jmho.....

  10. #10
    Ahhh ok then..thanks guys, I appreciate your honesty....BTW, any advice on what can give me the best results shoulder wise? That is by BIGGEST weak spot and they just wont grow! I do mostly free weights but have a hard time pushing myself to failure since I dont have a spotter...are the machines just as good for gaining so that I can push to failure or should I stick to free weights and just do as much as I can safetly?


  11. #11
    Oh, and Booz and Muscle guys have exactly the kinds of bodies that I want, big shoulders and big arms....nice and WIDE...but I will be more patient :-)

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    I agree with the rest of the comments, with only 2 months worth of training under your belt you shouldnt be even considering gear, you need to train hard and get your diet spot on for putting mass on your frame, diet is the key to gaining size.

    You need a good solid base to work from before taking gear, when you do this correctly the gains will come on very quickley but i good solid base and a few years of training coupled with a basic diet with change your body, work on them areas first.

  13. #13
    there is alot of good info on this on the training forum....i find heavy chest and back work does build my shoulders the most(i only spend about 20min each week on delts)lots of red meat and complex carbs is the most important factor to big delts(lots of food intake)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You need at least 2 years of training before AAS,to be honest the type of body you want can be done without AAS.The great Arnold said training is 70% diet.I`m sure you have no idea on diet.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by markychv
    Oh, and Booz and Muscle guys have exactly the kinds of bodies that I want, big shoulders and big arms....nice and WIDE...but I will be more patient :-)
    you will have to be very pacient its years of training.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    No where NEAR ready for AAS.

    Get your diet in order FIRST and train/gain naturally for YEARS on end.

    If you can't gain natural, you won't gain shit from AAS. You grow from food not from chemicals.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    Get your diet and workout routine down and hit the gym hard for at least 8 more months and then you should consider a low dose dbol/test/deca cycle! At 33y/o your test levels are slowly on the way down so your not going to naturally grow all that fast but at least you'll be able to research the various novice cycles and pick the one suits you and one you can afford! Remember to use the time in between to learn and build a solid foundation so when you do start theres no reason you can't put on at least 25-30lbs!

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