Before you assume its me, not it isn't.
A buddy approached me in the gym today and he said he had started a stack of deca 50 <-- ??,sustanon250 and test prop.
He said he took his first shot 3 or 4 weeks ago
I'm not too sure what deca50 is, im not an expert and no I don't know what brands they are, I am hoping to find that out tommorrow.
My recollection of what he told me is as follows:
he takes 2 shots a week of all 3 steroids combined
from what I could tell, he was taking 1ml in total each shot.
this is the breakdown of each shot according to him
0.5ml of sus250 250mg of sus each week
and the other 0.5ml was made up of a mixture of the deca and prop.
keep in mind he wasnt able to go into much detail about dosages because his friend apparently takes care of it for him ? :S
Assuming he was able to control the dosage of each of the 3 components, what dosages and injection frequency would you recommend?
He said he has access to clomid and proviron as well.
I'll try and find out more precise details 2mrw.
any response is appreciated.