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  1. #1
    achilles.deimos is offline New Member
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    Smile I need some help!

    I haven't really lifted for 3 years (quit playing sports when I came to college and got it's a killer...haha), but I'm looking to get back into it. I'm currently 6'4", 235lbs and around 17% bf, i've been doin cardio and liftin for the past 6 months and dieting to burn the fat off before I even attempted a stack but I hit a stopping point losing weight. I was wondering what would be a good cycle for cutting fat off because I want to lose around 15-20 more lbs of fat before I try to put on more mass. I'm really new to this so any help at all would be great! Also, what is the safest way to get gear (not asking for sources, just ways in general ex. online, friend at the gym, etc.) Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    muscle_20's Avatar
    muscle_20 is offline Member
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    you posted this message all ready once!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    What will cut you up is Cardio & Diet not AAS but if you want to a cutter cycle & already have a good diet & cardio then i recommend test prop but have you done any cycle before??

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  4. #4
    achilles.deimos is offline New Member
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    Last edited by achilles.deimos; 04-12-2006 at 08:59 AM.

  5. #5
    achilles.deimos is offline New Member
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    oh yeah, sorry for posting the same thing twice, the first one didn't show up on my computer until i posted this one. I thought i did something wrong and messed up the post!

  6. #6
    muscle_20's Avatar
    muscle_20 is offline Member
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    give us an idea what your training and diet look like cause this matters more than the drugs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If your under the impression that anabolic steroids burn BF.....unfortunately they don't with the exception one that I wouldn't recommend for a newb.

    Your best option by far to burn unwanted BF is a rigorous cardio.....preferably first thing in the A.M. on an empty stomach.

  8. #8
    achilles.deimos is offline New Member
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    I've been doing about an hour or more of cardio a day and then lifting for about another hour. I eat 5 smaller meals a day and watch my carb intake but try to take in atleast my body weight in grams of protein a day (usually more). I've been doing most of my cardio in the morning when I wake up on an empty stomach and then later in the day I go back and lift. I've just been reading on clenbuterol and t-3 and from the way some people make it sound that is the way I would want to go for burning fat. But I don't really know because I am new to this. I wasn't under the impression that anabolics burn body fat either, I was wondering if there was anything in general out there that burned body fat. After I lose the fat is when I'm going to really start looking into trying a cycle to put on more mass, but that's further down the road yet.

  9. #9
    muscle_20's Avatar
    muscle_20 is offline Member
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    well man its very important to count how many calories you intake every day...keeping the diet clean is not enough.
    anabolics dont really burn fat(some very toxic ones do do some drastic stuff though)what they do is increase your need for just lose fat unless your very muscular and cant lose a bit of muscle for a show i would just go on a very strict diet and do lots of cardio if you do this and add supps like green tea you will lose a ton of fat within a matter of point stressing your body unduely with drugs for such a simple task in my opinion.

  10. #10
    achilles.deimos is offline New Member
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    What other supplements would be good to take to help out? I never heard of taking green tea for weight loss so that is really good to know. Anything would help, my current calorie intake is around 1750, I don't want to drop it any lower because I am a big guy and I dont want to give myself an eating disorder.

  11. #11
    muscle_20's Avatar
    muscle_20 is offline Member
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    woah man thats too low calories your metabolism will slow down too much on this....cycle your calories so one out of every few days is higher in calories to keep metabolism running correctly!there is lots of info on this in the diet section but green tea tabs are good and so are cla tabs.

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