7 weeks ago a friend and I
started using steroids.
(tokkyo deca) 300mg a week
(test. cyp) 100 a week - Did not gain a pound from this at all. balls didnt
shrink nothing, waste of money.
(test. prop) 200 a week - Used this after I finished the cyp. Didnt gain one
pound again.
This was very mind boggling to me. I had used 20cc of test and not a one pound gain. Last week I got some (testonlet) from a friend, I shot 200mg's "I gained 5lbs last week!" Can you explain that? 20cc do dick all but 200mg of testolent gain me 5 pounds.
I was very pissed off at my wasted money and no strenght or weight gain. Thats why I am going to stay on the Testolent I started last week at 100mg a week every monday, and now I am starting Omnadren 250 every week on monday. This will get me the gains that I never got before. I realize that this will be a long cycle, but I justify this because I got no gains from the other stuff I was using. What do you all think?