I was just wondering if you guys could give me any info on getting gear in mexico. Can you just walk into the pharmacies and get it??
I was just wondering if you guys could give me any info on getting gear in mexico. Can you just walk into the pharmacies and get it??
Yes u could. It would help a ton if u spoke spanish or knew someone out there.
The only big worry u should have is that your gonna stick out like a sore thumb out there, and they will try to get off on u by over charging or maybe worse..
Good luck.........
I will be going on a cruise to cozumel and progreso and any tips\help I can get would be appreciated! I am mainly looking for Anavar,,do they even have it in Mexico, and if so what is the Mexican version called??
It's actually easy, I was just walking down the street and saw advertisments at various pharmacies. I just walked in and bought some. It would also help if you had a little spanish background. The few classes I took in college helped me out tons. I would just be worried about getting it back in the states. Be careful. GOOD LUCK!
yeah its just right in the pharmacies if they dont have it on the shelf just ask they have it behine the counter if you are in the tourist area they will try to chareg out the a$$ for it though
A buddy of mine told me he would just say thats too expensive Ill go somewhere else and they would come down on the price. Anyone have any clue what the price of it in Mex is and what I would need to ask for??
i paid 15 bucks an amp for primo about 6 years ago. i would never think about it again. i got searched so hard coming back into the country.. i also just came back from mexico last week and had to go through 5 different searches before i finally left the airport at my final destinations. i wouldnt advise it when you can get it off the net for much cheaper and safer.. IMO
Most places I have gone to in mexico are very cheap.
test 400mg 10ml $30
dbol 10mgx100 $100
Tren 75mg 10ml $60
I was just there and seen some gear and the prices were absolutely stupid !!!sustanon at 16.oo american per amp !!!! what a joke !!!
The pharmacies are expensive, but try a "vet supply" store I get all my gear there pretty cheap-its a trip they might have one or two things fo pets and everything else is roids
I thought it was redi-ject in Mexico. Is there both?Originally Posted by scottroxx
mexico has more gear then roches! mmmmmmmm.i dont know if thats true though@!
Everything is OTC if you have dead presidents with you.
16 per amp of sostenon....thats cheap to the last time i went...it was 25ish an amp....i still bought them
test c 25 bones
test e 25 bones
both of these are in 10ml bottles
this was a while ago....so dont quote me on this.....
Who is the anavar they carry manufactured by??
an amp is 1 ml...you were paying the equivalent of 2.50 per amp his 10ml bottle would be 160 because hed have to buy 10 ampsOriginally Posted by loki_is_a_god
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