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  1. #1
    LILG is offline Junior Member
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    first cycle(testProp)...critique it plzz

    Weeks 10

    100mg Test Prop EOD
    20mg nolvadex ED

    To avoid unnecessaey bloating i was told to take Anti E i.e letro or arimidex to combat the estrogen when i last post a thread in dec05.
    should i take .5mg/day of letro or arimidex or it should be more then that?

    and for PCT

    week 10-13

    20 mg nolvadex ED
    50 mg CLomid ED

    and one really last stupid Question.i have to mix them in 1 injection right? i mean for weeks1-10 100mg test,20mgnolva and letro( all in 1 injection).

    if any1 can suggest me what to change about the cycle or what to replace or anything else, plz do so as it gonna be my FIRST CYCLE and im planing to start it in april..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LILG
    Weeks 10

    100mg Test Prop EOD
    20mg nolvadex ED

    To avoid unnecessaey bloating i was told to take Anti E i.e letro or arimidex to combat the estrogen when i last post a thread in dec05.
    should i take .5mg/day of letro or arimidex or it should be more then that?

    and for PCT

    week 10-13

    20 mg nolvadex ED
    50 mg CLomid ED

    and one really last stupid Question.i have to mix them in 1 injection right? i mean for weeks1-10 100mg test,20mgnolva and letro( all in 1 injection).

    if any1 can suggest me what to change about the cycle or what to replace or anything else, plz do so as it gonna be my FIRST CYCLE and im planing to start it in april..

    I would go with ED shots bro to keep your blood levels stable & to avoid sides like gyno if you dont want to go over 500mg ew then go with 75mg ed thats 525mg ew instead of 700mg ew, i dont know about the injectable letro bump for reply but use letro at 0.25mg it can reduce 98% of the estrogen in the body by just low doses becareful.

    good luck,

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  3. #3
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    HHH gave you good advice. But there is no need for you to run Letro and Nolva at the same time. just use letro and save the nolva for PCT. And i have never heard of injectible letro before. Are you sure its injectible...did u get it from AR-R ?


  4. #4
    LILG is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2005
    "I would go with ED shots bro to keep your blood levels stable & to avoid sides like gyno if you dont want to go over 500mg ew then go with 75mg ed thats 525mg ew instead of 700mg ew".
    im little confuse about the above message as like by ED u mean for Anti-E or Nolva or is that for the test Prop...sorry if im miscalculating anything as i dont sum up those numbers i.e 500mgew(i guess thats for PCT right?),

    so i just run Letro or arimidex along wit the test?
    andBino thats typing error "letro( all in 1 injection)". i was in class and didnt notice sorry for that

    Apart from that is there anything i need to add or change as i heard injecting wit Prop can be painful for some1 weather a first timer or a 2nd and u can reduce the pain by adding some injectible B12. Is there anything this else that can take care of the pain?
    more feedbacks and comments will be helpful for as for first timer i wasnt to be safe then sorry

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    heat the syringe or ampule, just make sure things stay as steroile as possible though!

    take your prop ED or EOD, ED is better to keep blood levels stable. you shudnt see a lot of sides with prop as you would with enth or cyp, but keep either the nolva or letro on hand. just dont go over board on the letro, it can kill your sex drive or so iv heard)

    PCT, run clomid and nolva or letro

  6. #6
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Extend PCT.


  7. #7
    kuad is offline Member
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    WTF!!!!! who the F**K is barry bonds and the poem bulls**t??????

  8. #8
    Stackertoo's Avatar
    Stackertoo is offline Member
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    One thing is for sure, you'll either be completely cool with needles by the end of the cycle, or you'll quit early from all the injects.

    Bonds, you are the gayest "poet" ever.

  9. #9
    LILG is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2005
    OMG...ED PROP......i guess this is the reason "the active life of prop is less then 24hrs, eod is cutting it close, so your levels would be up and down and you would have alot of sides and not good gains, but then lets say if u up the dose for EOD injection it will cover that too. right?
    i was convinced wit the Test E too as thats wat recommended for first cycle by all of you guys i guess because u have to inject only twice and hence less injections and it wont hurt as much as Prop.
    But the only reason i prefer to go with Prop is that u get less water retention and BLoatness with it as compare to Test E.

  10. #10
    LILG is offline Junior Member
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    The Nolvadex and the clomid is the only anti-estrogen you’ll need, the HCG is what will kick start the nuts making test again at the end of the cycle. This is what my link told me when i ask for the price check of above cycle. would it be appropiate to run it along wit nolva/clomid for PCT?

  11. #11
    LILG is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2005

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