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Thread: spot injection

  1. #1
    build4life is offline Junior Member
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    spot injection

    how do u all feel about spot injections, like in the bicept, or tricept. i would concider myself a bodybuilder, not a limb builder. my body and legs r very thick, but can get my arms to grow worth shit. was just wondering the concesus of if u think that spot injecting in the bi's or tri's would force growth. i would be test e and deca combo. thanks

  2. #2
    thebrakes is offline Associate Member
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    try IGF for quasi-spot improvement

  3. #3
    build4life is offline Junior Member
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    heard that is expencive, and cant get that from my sorce. just wondering if it was worth trying with my test e and deca i have? or if it would b the same just putting it in my gluts, and delts

  4. #4
    build4life is offline Junior Member
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  5. #5
    viperbin is offline Associate Member
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    i always shoot legs... but my brother goes every where and he loves it... he says in the bis u just get sick ass pumps... go big or go home man... u want bigger arms... u got a needle dont u

  6. #6
    build4life is offline Junior Member
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    yes sir. i sure do. just had to check what everyone thinks. my sholder is sore for a day or two after i inject, just would hate to go in the bi and have it b sore on an arm day.

  7. #7
    viperbin is offline Associate Member
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    make ur cycle fit around ur injection then... i always have to move my leg days around so im not working out like the day after i inject... no biggy man... sore bis for a couple days big deal... once uve injected a few time there... ur gonna notice out rageous strength gains

  8. #8
    build4life is offline Junior Member
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    nice thank for the help bro. going to just have to hit the ol bi's on my next injecton and see how it goes

  9. #9
    Ironman5151 is offline Associate Member
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    I use 23 gauge, 1" for bi's and tris. I like spot injections. I use 5/8 for my chest....I do bi's, tri's, chest, quads, delts....good luck

  10. #10
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    There is a lot of science that will tell you that spot injections won't help that muscle any more than your others, except for the fact that it will help to stretch the factia around the muscle because of all the oil.

    But will it hurt????????? No. Is there a possibility that it could make the muscle bigger? Maybe.

    So, why not. Less scar tissue everywhere else.

    Bis, tris, lat, delts, glutes, traps, quads, chest. Haven't hit the calves or hams yet, but they are next.

  11. #11
    needledik's Avatar
    needledik is offline Associate Member
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    i was gonna make a thread for this question but i mideaswell ask it here... with spot injections do you hit both left and right muscle group the same day.. or switch the muscle group up completely for your 2nd shot that week..

    for instance a shoulder shot.. if your taking 800mg/wk, do you shoot 400 in shoulder 1 then 2nd shot that week 400 shoulder 2... or 200 and 200 for each shoulder then a diff muscle group for your 2nd shot that week.. sorry if this sounds a little confusing.. im just trying to better understand this, i've only taken mine in the cheek

  12. #12
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    I personally stick with my shoulders, glutes, and quads. i've just heard too many stories of people hitting "bad spots" in their biceps, calves, chest, and other areas that turns me off of it. i've never hit a bad spot yet, and don't feel like taking the risk personally.

    not to mention as "velvetlion" said, there is no scientific evidence that spot-injection increases that particular muscle over any other. as far as the oil stretching the muscle, i'll just stick to good ole regular everyday stretching thanks. but, to each his own.

  13. #13
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by needledik
    i was gonna make a thread for this question but i mideaswell ask it here... with spot injections do you hit both left and right muscle group the same day.. or switch the muscle group up completely for your 2nd shot that week..

    for instance a shoulder shot.. if your taking 800mg/wk, do you shoot 400 in shoulder 1 then 2nd shot that week 400 shoulder 2... or 200 and 200 for each shoulder then a diff muscle group for your 2nd shot that week.. sorry if this sounds a little confusing.. im just trying to better understand this, i've only taken mine in the cheek
    if what you're asking is do you inject a shot into more than one area in a single days shot, or split it into two spots, the best bet would be just inject into one. it's not going to make you lopsided if you don't inject into both glutes, quads, etc. on that same day. switching back and forth every other shot is fine, but you don't want to stick yourself any more than you have to saying as every time you do, you make scar tissue that builds up. if you're doing a shot one day, do it all in the same spot. unless you're injecting more than 3cc's, then split it up into two areas. you don't want to stick too much oil in one place. but as i stated above (along with velvetlion), spot injection does not increase that muscle over any other according to scientific studies.

  14. #14
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    To be honest, I personally split up my dose when I spot inject now, just in the slight case that it may stretch that factia enough to make a noticeably difference. I don't think that it probably does, but I find myself saying "You never know" Plus I have grown to like injecting.

    I myself think it is more than myth than anything, unless of course you are injection 5 cc's of oil at a time, but I still do it in each spot just in case I might be getting some extra growth.

    But that is me. If I were to teach it in a class, I would say put it all in the same spot unless it is over 3cc's.

  15. #15
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    I dont believe in it at all. Like a few people have said before. "If spot injections worked I would have the biggest ass in the world!" I rotate injections sites everytime anyways and hit almost every msucle group in the body, save a few. From my own personal experience and what I believe and hear other people confirm, spot injections are a myth. But like Velvet says you should be rotating sites anyways so there is no harm in wishful thinking.


  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I dont feel spot injection work on larger muscle groups, but on smaller muscles like biceps i get some kind of streching of the bicep which does give me some added size, but i must stress i shot my arms for a long time and they never returned to the original size.

    I feel this is an individual thing because ive known other BB's try the same thing with no effect at all, i feel there will be more BB's who say no it doesnt work but there are always afew which have had results, indivdual.


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