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Thread: Mega dose testo E or Sustanon

  1. #1

    Mega dose testo E or Sustanon


    Help me choose cycle because im not sure yet

    1-3 testo susp 100mg/ed
    1-16 testo enanthate 1500mg/w[750mg E3.5D]
    1-4,9-13,19-23 Humalog 20iu/pwo
    1-3 testo susp 100mg/ed
    1-16 Sustanon 500mg/eod
    1-4,9-13,19-23 Humalog 20iu/pwo

    Body: 260,6ft,12%
    Chemical: used almost everything apart from growthhormones and lr3 igf1.
    I cant use anything but testo and insulin due to common nauseous during other chemical use, some orals is okey like tbol and winny but i usally be in the habit of going to high in dosage

    Putting om more mass and uppen the strenght a few steps.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    whats humalog..

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33
    whats humalog..
    Fast acting insulin.

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