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Thread: is it possible lossing apetite from D-bol?

  1. #1

    is it possible lossing apetite from D-bol?

    i'm finishing my 4th week doing 25mg 4days and
    15mg 3days on 3rd week eating good not much but
    pretty fair i gained 8lbs which was great for me, for the last 3 days of the 4th week i noticed that my apetite minimize to the point of eating only couple of hamburgers for 1 day you know ain't shit, i can eat up to 4 hambugers i meal,
    althrought didnt eat much i though i lost weight
    but is all good i still got my 8lbs.
    couple of days more doing D-bol and that's it, anyone experience anything this way or something is wrong? can you share it? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Canada, Montreal eh!
    Eating hamburgers ain't gonna pack 8lbs of muscle on ya REM.
    Even if you can eat 4 of them in one sitting, I can bet your system can't digest it fast enough and you end up getting fat.
    Maybe your diet not being right as led you into an "overtrained" state, you have been lifting hard but not eating right so you are overtraining and it's a freaking domino effect once something is wrong.

    What elese are you on?
    If only D-bol then for how long?
    How does your workout look like?

    Sleep has alot to do with appetite also.

  3. #3
    If he is bulking, diet is pretty much out the window in my opinion calories, you will burn them off

  4. #4
    no what i tried to said was for 1 particular day
    one entire day only eated 2 hamburgers due to
    fact that i wasnt hungry to eat a proper meal not
    that i eat hamburgers too bulk, that's reason i'm concernd my apetite is not longer the same, my diet is fair, training is not bad at all 5days train 2 off, sleep as much as i can, i'm doing enat500 EQ400 10wks maybe longer since i have enough gear but right now my target is 10wks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Canada, Montreal eh!
    Originally posted by REM
    no what i tried to said was for 1 particular day
    one entire day only eated 2 hamburgers due to
    fact that i wasnt hungry to eat a proper meal not
    that i eat hamburgers too bulk,
    Sorry, I get ya now.
    Something is off in the pyramid for sure....

    Post your training schedule and normal diet so we have a better idea on what could be wrong.

    Originally posted by 9natural9
    If he is bulking, diet is pretty much out the window in my opinion calories, you will burn them off[/B]
    True, but he must eat good calories that will aid in muscle recovery not fat build-up.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Adonis

    Sorry, I get ya now.
    Something is off in the pyramid for sure....

    Post your training schedule and normal diet so we have a better idea on what could be wrong.

    True, but he must eat good calories that will aid in muscle recovery not fat build-up.
    i understand your point regarding eating enough calories and train hard as possible, as i stated
    bf i'm doing everything to help this cycle for
    a good sucess and as far as i can notice already
    gained 8lbs within 3wks which is good, till now
    i'm satisfied with this results and i'll keep
    working on it, but the ONLY concernd i have is
    2 days ago my apetite is not strong as it use too
    why? why? why? this is the only PROBLEM i see..

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