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Thread: Your thoughts please...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Land of the sun.

    Your thoughts please...


    Duly noted that the first cycle should be Test E only.

    That said, my intention is not to gain, I've read many threads including Jayhova's Test as Cutter, and I'd just like impressions of a 12wk, cardio assisted, diet controlled, Test E 500wkly, with 80mgs of Var (last 8wks), appropriate PCT cycle.

    Lastly, would Aromasin be of assistance in this cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    sure u need aromasin & anti e with very clean diet 2 get u where u want

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Always use an anti-e, better to be be safe than sorry, test is more or less always the base to any cycle, if its a cutter you want id concentrate on your diet, when you get this exactly right for your body you will look like you have been carved out of stone, diet is the key to any cutter cycle.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I'd start the Aromasin at 20mg/ED and run it throughout the cycle and during PCT. Its a good compound, if you can get hold of it at all.

    Test Enan can be used to cut effectively at 35-500mg/wk for a first cycle. As above, the key lies in your diet. Run an AI (Aromasin) to combat water retention and estrogen related sides.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    I agree with what the others have said. But I think we should ask you what your exact goal is...lose 10lbs, lose 20...50? If its in the latter end of those numbers I would suggest you start with diet and cardio, get on a very strict routine and wait until your weight loss starts to slow down and you sort of hit a plateau and then try Test. But if you are just beginning to lose weight then you can get great results without any added chemicls at the beginning. Its like when you first start working out, you always gain muscle fastest at the beginning (hence no reason for steroids early on in the game) same goes for cutting. If you have already been on a strict routine and losing weight then #1. good job and #2 maybe it is time for test. If so then follow the advice given above.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    But I think we should ask you what your exact goal is
    With that said what is your exact goal Goldie? I know you said to not gain so are you trying to maintain your current LBM while stripping fat?

    Do us a favor and get back to us with your stats and goals. Then we'll get crankin'.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Land of the sun.
    Thanks fellas,

    I guess that wasn’t very clear. I’m currently at about 192lbs and I’d like my weight to stay here. The diet is clean, bf is fluctuates between 9-10%, so all systems are firing. Through cardio and diet control, I’d like to add Test E 500 and Var to increase lbm, lose a couple more percentage points and be as Marcus put it, and also Big Louie’s dad “Carved out of stone”. I figured Aromasin would help this overall goal and prevent estro sides.
    Last edited by GoldieTheMack; 03-17-2006 at 02:23 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    S.Florida by way of NY
    in order to achieve this "carved out of stone" look that ur goin for ...... ur diet/cardio/training have to be on point to the fullest ...... using aromasin will be beneficial as it will help with estrogen/water retention

    good luck bro

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Land of the sun.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    With that said what is your exact goal Goldie? I know you said to not gain so are you trying to maintain your current LBM while stripping fat?

    Do us a favor and get back to us with your stats and goals. Then we'll get crankin'.
    Last edited by GoldieTheMack; 03-21-2006 at 08:03 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Land of the sun.
    Last edited by GoldieTheMack; 03-21-2006 at 08:06 AM.

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