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Thread: Test E vs. Sust Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Central Florida

    Exclamation Test E vs. Sust Questions

    I just finished my first cycle currenty going through PCT. The Cycle looked like this:

    wk 1-10 Test E 500 mg/week
    wk 6-12 Winny tabs 50 mg ed
    wk 13-15 Clomid 100mg ed for 1st week, 50 mg ed for the remainder (that is all I have enough for, I am stuck in Sofia, Bulgaria on business. I have a thread going in the PCT forum on this issue....)

    I am 6'4'' 218 lbs after the cycle, got up to as high as 223-225lbs, I was 201 lbs pre-cycle 13% bf

    I'm Trying to plan cycle 2. I have already ordered a 20 ml bottle of SUST 250to start with.. What should I combine with it? If anything? The reason I ordered the Sust was b/c I was told not take Test E everytime and to alternate back and forth each cycle..

    Also, I don't want to get super huge. I'd be happy with being 6'4'' 225 - 230 lbs 10% bf (my goal anyway) Once I get to this point, how can I maintain with the least amount of gear, if any? I will also train to lift hard and get plenty of cardio playing basketball. Any advice is greatly appreciated!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    u can take dbol with ur sust as a kick start or to run deca/sust this is a great mass builder

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I like sust but you need to shoot ed or eod.

    when running deca you only need to shoor 2x week. So it is much easer to run test e and shoot on the same days. Just jump start the cycle with d-bol or drol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Central Florida
    Thanks for input. How about how to maintain once you have achieved your goals? Will a good PCT allow you to keep your gains long term? Or will some type of maintenance dosage of gear be required. Of course training and eating correctly would still continue... Thx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    only good pct & clean diet with good training & rest periods will help u keep ur gains

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    There are many variables when wanting to predict how many of the gains you've made you can attain during PCT and the following months. Training, rest, genetics, PCT protocl, AS used and diet all count on how to keep the higest percentage of gains. I dont think their is one thats above the rest from that small list. As all as important as each other IMO.

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