I just finished my first cycle currenty going through PCT. The Cycle looked like this:
wk 1-10 Test E 500 mg/week
wk 6-12 Winny tabs 50 mg ed
wk 13-15 Clomid 100mg ed for 1st week, 50 mg ed for the remainder (that is all I have enough for, I am stuck in Sofia, Bulgaria on business. I have a thread going in the PCT forum on this issue....)
I am 6'4'' 218 lbs after the cycle, got up to as high as 223-225lbs, I was 201 lbs pre-cycle 13% bf
I'm Trying to plan cycle 2. I have already ordered a 20 ml bottle of SUST 250to start with.. What should I combine with it? If anything? The reason I ordered the Sust was b/c I was told not take Test E everytime and to alternate back and forth each cycle..
Also, I don't want to get super huge. I'd be happy with being 6'4'' 225 - 230 lbs 10% bf (my goal anyway) Once I get to this point, how can I maintain with the least amount of gear, if any? I will also train to lift hard and get plenty of cardio playing basketball. Any advice is greatly appreciated!