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Thread: overkill

  1. #1
    feanor is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Red face overkill

    yesterday I posted a cycle, was looking at as a second cycle ( first being test only ) and the consensus seemed to be overkill. Guess I got caught up in the more is better trap. This was it
    wk 1-12 test enan 300mg e3d
    wk 1-10 tren enan 150mg e3d
    wk 1-12 anavar 40 mg ed
    wk 1-20 hgh 4iu eod
    wk 1-20 hcg 400 iu e3d
    wk 1-12 clen 60-80ed for two weeks, two off, two on
    wk 1-12 adex .5 mg ed
    thinking of some t-3 25 mcg. ed week 1-12
    PCT with hcg and tamoxifen 20 mg ed for a month, hcg same as above
    Im 5'9 210 lb 15% bf 41 yo btw

    yeah that IS a lot of shit for a second cycle

    So, still wanting lean mass/cutter for second cycle, and this is what I have to work with.

    test enan
    tren enan

    thinking maybe 250mg test e e3d and tren e 100mg e3d, really like to try tren, but appreciate advice from the more knowledgeable and experienced
    hard part is to avoid the kid in the candy store mentality with all this gear I bought.
    thanks bros

  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Please direct me to the 1st thread. IMO nothing is wrong with the cycle, my line of thinking is a bit different from the majority here though.

  3. #3
    feanor is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    this was my first post on this cycle


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