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Thread: my first cycle

  1. #1
    tiger909's Avatar
    tiger909 is offline Senior Member
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    my first cycle

    i was thinking of doing....

    wk. 1-12 200mg/wk test e...2/wk
    wk 1-12 500 mg/wk eq...2/wk
    pct clomid, nolva on hand....

    im 23, 5-9 202lb, 14%bf, 6 year lifting
    currently cutting, plan to start this once i hit 10 bf%

    im using test basically just to avoid shut goal is to gain 10-15lb lean mass, increase endurance, gain definition

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger909
    i was thinking of doing....

    wk. 1-12 200mg/wk test e...2/wk
    wk 1-12 500 mg/wk eq...2/wk
    pct clomid, nolva on hand....

    im 23, 5-9 202lb, 14%bf, 6 year lifting
    currently cutting, plan to start this once i hit 10 bf%

    im using test basically just to avoid shut goal is to gain 10-15lb lean mass, increase endurance, gain definition
    The testosterone in your cycle wont make you "avoid shut down". It will be the primary cause you get shutdown. Some androgens dont lead to total HPTA shutdown, but, I'm afraid testosterone, no matter what form, isnt one of them. I think you mean labido purposes. I think you mean to keep your labido up? Why not a higher dose of 500mg of each compound? You could also drop the Test Enan altogether and run Proviron at 50mg/ED to keep labido up? Though, not having the Test Enan isnt really advised, but possible.

  3. #3
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    12 weeks of eq is borderline.... I wld run it for 15 weeks..... Then again I wld run at least 500mg a week of test with this cycle....

  4. #4
    tiger909's Avatar
    tiger909 is offline Senior Member
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    1,089 confused now,anyone that proposes eq only here is told that test is a must, but im hearing other things now, have to ask, what are the benefits of running test in this cycle in reagrds to my goals. i dont want to run higher than 300mg/ test at this point because f sides and i literlally have to stay presentable for my job, aka little bloat or acne

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger909 confused now,anyone that proposes eq only here is told that test is a must, but im hearing other things now, have to ask, what are the benefits of running test in this cycle in reagrds to my goals. i dont want to run higher than 300mg/ test at this point because f sides and i literlally have to stay presentable for my job, aka little bloat or acne
    Acne is a hard one to treat/prevent. "Bloat" can be prevented/reduced with the use of an AI. Testosterone is the main hormone we use for muscle gains, so it seems logical to use it for every cycle. Not to mention it can increase your sex drive and counteract other androgens that decrease it. I have only ever included a form of testosterone in every cycle, but will try other non-testosterone cycles maybe one day. For a 2nd cycle I'd go with:

    wk 1-14 Test Enan 500mg/wk
    wk 1-13 EQ 400-500mg/wk

    PCT begins 14 days after last Test Enan shot and 21 days after last EQ shot. After you've done a few cycles, then experiment with test and non-test cycle IMO.

  6. #6
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    yeah I have been screwing around with my prop/tren dosages just to see how I react.... when I dropped my prop dosage to the same as my tren within 2 days I cld see a change in my sex drive... I cld still get it up and perform, but it was like I didn't care either way if I got laid or not that night.... when the prop was higher then the tren I was a horny motherfuker all the time... everyone is different u need to figure out your own body...

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    yeah I have been screwing around with my prop/tren dosages just to see how I react.... when I dropped my prop dosage to the same as my tren within 2 days I cld see a change in my sex drive... I cld still get it up and perform, but it was like I didn't care either way if I got laid or not that night.... when the prop was higher then the tren I was a horny motherfuker all the time... everyone is different u need to figure out your own body...

  8. #8
    tiger909's Avatar
    tiger909 is offline Senior Member
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    thanx bump

  9. #9
    Undecided09's Avatar
    Undecided09 is offline Senior Member
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    I also am starting my first cycle, I was going to do 500 mg test e/week and 50 mg winnie/day. What should I expect from this, both positive and negative? With this dosage will sides be minimal (theoretically)? Also, is this dosage pretty low and not to crazy in comparison to others?

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