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  1. #1
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    What would be the expectation of a 1st ever cycle, running 500 mg Enanthane/week and 50 mg win/day? Is this a fairly low to moderate cycle in general? What expectations, positive and negative based on that dosing? Probably less negative and positive because of the low dosage?

  2. #2
    velvetlion's Avatar
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    Expectations can only be evaluated by you: Only you know how your diet is, only you know how your training habits are, only you know how consistant you are with any and all of your supplementation.

    If you are doing everything right, you should have some pretty high expectations from that cycle. It is plenty of a doseage to realize good gains.

    If this is your first cycle, I wouldn't reccomend running the winny with it yet.

    And if that is you in the picture, I would say that you should work on diet a bit more before jumping into anabolics. That is not being said as a flame or anything. Just my opinion that your body looks like you could grow more without them.

    What are your stats, training history, diet?

  3. #3
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    20 years old, 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day, protein every 3 hours, ive been carb conscious lately because I want to bring out my cuts for summer...NO2 CE2, ALA, L-carnitine, Glutaime, Multi...I train one muscle group a day, my regimen is pretty good, it is in the the workout questions section if you wanted to look at it...I had Nark go over it with me, the post is somethign to the effect of "Nark, this is what I came up with..."

    Also, I wasn't surprised you said that I could grow more before trying aas, but I was thinking that just a three month cycle, the one I listed, would be a good boost for summer, and since the dosage was fairly low sides would be minimum to none, but gains would still be significant becuase of my age...

  4. #4
    velvetlion's Avatar
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    In the end it is all your decision whether or not you are ready to turn to AAS. I normally don't reccomend it to people your age, but you are old enough to make your own decisions.

    Just remember that steroids aren't just a easy way to obtain your goals. You still need to have diet and training in check. I am not saying that you don't, just want to make sure that you can make an educated decision based on good information as to whether or not you should cycle.

    If you are determined to start, I would go with test only. I wish that I would have started with that cycle. It will tell you a lot about your body and how it will react to testosterone since test will normally be the base to almost every cycle that you might run in the future.

  5. #5
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    Ok, well I understand that steroids just maximize the results you would see from a clean diet and good work out regimine...I.E. just because you are taking steroids doesnt mean you can eat whatever you want and not ever lift and still get huge...However, I was looking honestly to do just one cycle, cut up for the summer, and then reevluate like a year from now...I wasn't planning on starting like a AAS program or long pattern, not right now atleast, that is why I am not to concerned about my age. If I just run test though, I wont be as shredded as with Winny will I? I mean I'll be honest I wanna take the test to promote some mass, obviously, but at the same time really shred up, I really would like a sick stomach for summer to be blunt, along with some serious definition all over...(obviously my diet is very determinatnt of those goals as well)...What would you suggest based on that? Is Masteron a better option than Winny?

    Also, if I have absorbed anything its that the ratio of androgenic to anabolic effects along with the correlation of dosage is very determinate of sides, in theory, obviously everyone reacts differently. So therefore the lower the dosage, the less profound the the effects, both positive and negative. So based on that what do you think?

  6. #6
    velvetlion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    Ok, well I understand that steroids just maximize the results you would see from a clean diet and good work out regimine...I.E. just because you are taking steroids doesnt mean you can eat whatever you want and not ever lift and still get huge...However, I was looking honestly to do just one cycle, cut up for the summer, and then reevluate like a year from now...I wasn't planning on starting like a AAS program or long pattern, not right now atleast, that is why I am not to concerned about my age. If I just run test though, I wont be as shredded as with Winny will I? I mean I'll be honest I wanna take the test to promote some mass, obviously, but at the same time really shred up, I really would like a sick stomach for summer to be blunt, along with some serious definition all over...(obviously my diet is very determinatnt of those goals as well)...What would you suggest based on that? Is Masteron a better option than Winny?

    Also, if I have absorbed anything its that the ratio of androgenic to anabolic effects along with the correlation of dosage is very determinate of sides, in theory, obviously everyone reacts differently. So therefore the lower the dosage, the less profound the the effects, both positive and negative. So based on that what do you think?

    From what I have seen, some can get sides off of the smalles doseages and others don't see any off of real high doseages. It really depends on the person and how suseptible they are to sides. Now, if you are seeing sides off of 400mg. of test, you could bet that they would be worse with 1000mg.

    I have never use Masteron because it hasn't been available to me until recently but plan on using it for my next show. From what I understand, it is not of much use unless you are at or under 8-9% bf. That is when you will really notice its effects. I have also read that it is most effective at a dose of about 400-500 mg./week, no more or no less.

    I would just stick with the test. Keep the diet clean and you will get more defined for the summer. More muscle burns more calories.

  7. #7
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Ok, I appreciate the input, It seems to me from what I have read, that Winny really works, theres no doubt about that, and the sides are pretty limited, mostly joint aggravation on a case by case basis, I was going to include some serious "Triflex" to lubricate my joints and tendons while on it, that should work. However it also seems to me that Winny really just dries you out more than anything and is kind of like a fake effectiveness. However The worst thing that would make me the most mad, is if I just did Test E and didnt' shred up. I mean I wanna put on some mass, dont get me wrong, but with that I really want to shred up bad...So whats the word based on that?

  8. #8
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    Cause I wanna put some mass on, but What I really want obviously is some serious shred for summer...

  9. #9
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    Bumpin my own shit, lol

  10. #10
    chest6's Avatar
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    Not meant to flame, but you aren't ready for aas. You could put on 20+ lbs more naturally from looking at the pic before you need aas. Get in the diet forum.

  11. #11
    jumpstreet21 is offline New Member
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    20 yrs is young bro, but if you cant wait then do it right. if you do 500 mg test e and 50 mg winny is an ok newbie cycle for lean mass. How long you plan on running this? any PCT's? . throw in some clen at the end of the cylce.

  12. #12
    muscle_20's Avatar
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    if thats you in the avatar then you have ALOT of natural growing to do.....if you do a cycle do only 500mg test for 12 weeks and then do a proper pct.

  13. #13
    krippler is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Not meant to flame, but you aren't ready for aas. You could put on 20+ lbs more naturally from looking at the pic before you need aas. Get in the diet forum.
    i agree. seriously. load up on the protein and eat bro.

  14. #14
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME's Avatar
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    Hey bro , do as you want just be smart and safe. I am a few days from 20, and this summer will also be cycling.

    I am currently 245 with 10% or so and 6'5. I have been training for 5 years.

    i just want this to boost me 20lbs or so. then i am natural all the way. I am getting ready for the midwest muscle npc show next year. looking to come in at 260 or so 4-5%. I do not know of it will happen. I am tall which sucks, but it aint no thang.

    stay strong, cycle smart, eat rest and lift. And listen to these guys, they do know a lil it.

    bye for now.

  15. #15
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    No i definately appreciate all of the input, the reason I am not as concerned with my age is because I'm not planning on starting a long career of cycling, I want to do this for 12 weeks, and then a year from now reevaluate, by no means am I attempting to start a cycling regimine....I want to really shred up for summer though, thats why I wanted to go with the Winny, and The Test E was to throw on some lean mass along with cutting up, Just like New in the game said, I just want a boost and then I'm natural....I want some input though from people who have ran similar cycles, sides, positives, negatives, stuff like that? At this dosage i think the sides should be minimal to none...

  16. #16
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    Bump for more info

  17. #17
    J0E's Avatar
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    Bro, if you want to cut, you don't have to use AAS. I'm sure you already know this. Cardio, 45min, 4-5 days a week, you will be cut the f**k by summer. Dont use AAS to cut if you've never used before. You can do it without using. If you want to use a supplement, try a ECA stack. Thats what I am on now and it's working great. PM me if you want more info.

    P.S. Using AAS will close you growth plates and you dont want that. You still growing bro.
    Last edited by J0E; 03-20-2006 at 12:39 PM.

  18. #18
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Yeah well Im not intending on starting a regimine of cycling from now until whenver, I was going to do one cycle just for a boost, then after that all natural for at least a year...

  19. #19
    J0E's Avatar
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    I understand that you want a boost. The thing is that you don't have to use AAS to get the "boost". Try creatine, AA's, and a ECA to cut. It's all natural and you won't have sides.

  20. #20
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Well its not like I am just jumping to aas, I've taken and do take, NO2 CE2, ALA, Glutamine, protein every three hours till 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight is feeling was that one cycle at that dosage is going to be very beneficial because of my age and have little to no sides...

  21. #21
    Ih8urdsm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    I'm not planning on starting a long career of cycling, I want to do this for 12 weeks, and then a year from now reevaluate, by no means am I attempting to start a cycling regimine
    I think thats a popular thing to say before your first cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    I want some input though from people who have ran similar cycles, sides, positives, negatives, stuff like that?
    I ran a Test E 500g a week for 10 weeks with 30mg dbol /day for first 4, for my first cycle, and i didnt get too bloated, had my diet in check and went from about 8%BF before to maybe 10%, so i was fine for summer...but i wasnt trying to run a 'cutting cycle' for my first one either.
    Im no expert but I'd hold off on the test and winny if your just looking to 'cut up for summer', and maybe research some clen , then when you are ready for aas, do the Test E cycle first

  22. #22
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    that reply has been pretty common from my research about first cycles..I guess i am so geeked about winny because of its results with others, also I was thinking at at my dosage it would have litte to no sides, but because of my age be very effective...Inform me more about clen ???

  23. #23
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    bump bump bump

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