Originally Posted by
alright, to start out, even tho i am new at this forum, i am not new to gear...
i have taken many different steroids......test enan, prop, deca, eq, win, dbol, tren.....
i am 5'9" (hence the name), weight-approx 200 LBS. with 11% BF.....
and i am planning a more simple cycle with less substances that i plan to look something like this.....
W: 1-4 DBol or Test Susp (Need Help Deciding) - DBol 50mg/day.....Test Susp 100mg/2x-3x/day
W: 1-10 Tren A - 75mg/day....may increase the dosage
W: 1-14 Test E - 750mg/week
I have all the Anti-e's and PCT and Vits in order too so dont worry about that.....
when took Tren, i took it with Prop but never Test E or DBol.......
The gains were very lean and i kept most of them, but if i take it with Test E or DBol, I'm going to assume i'll get quite a bit of size....
But I'm just wondering what may be better to kickstart this cycle with.....
I've done a lot of reading up on DBol and Susp and they seem to have similar results.........water retention, good strength gains, fast acting.....
With this cycle I'm trying to gain some size, but I would prefer to not get extremely bloated....
any advise would be appreciated....