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Thread: Kickstart.....DBol or Test Susp???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Kickstart.....DBol or Test Susp???

    alright, to start out, even tho i am new at this forum, i am not new to gear...

    i have taken many different steroids......test enan, prop, deca, eq, win, dbol, tren.....

    i am 5'9" (hence the name), weight-approx 200 LBS. with 11% BF.....

    and i am planning a more simple cycle with less substances that i plan to look something like this.....

    W: 1-4 DBol or Test Susp (Need Help Deciding) - DBol 50mg/day.....Test Susp 100mg/2x-3x/day
    W: 1-10 Tren A - 75mg/day....may increase the dosage
    W: 1-14 Test E - 750mg/week

    I have all the Anti-e's and PCT and Vits in order too so dont worry about that.....

    when took Tren, i took it with Prop but never Test E or DBol.......
    The gains were very lean and i kept most of them, but if i take it with Test E or DBol, I'm going to assume i'll get quite a bit of size....

    But I'm just wondering what may be better to kickstart this cycle with.....

    I've done a lot of reading up on DBol and Susp and they seem to have similar results.........water retention, good strength gains, fast acting.....

    With this cycle I'm trying to gain some size, but I would prefer to not get extremely bloated....

    any advise would be appreciated....
    Last edited by FiveNine; 03-20-2006 at 04:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    B.C. - Canada
    I've never taken Test-Prop, but the gains should be similar to test-e.

    I would persoanlly start with DBol; it gives me good strength and size gains, and I feel way better while on it. As far as the bloat goes, I would run some anti-e's (either letro or arimidaex) which should take care of the excess water bloat.

    That's what I'd do atleast.

  3. #3
    i would go for the suspension because its stronger than dbol and you will feel it instantly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    yea......I usually don't get much bloat, and the Anti-E's probably account for much of this......My gains on Prop were much more lean than the ones on Test E....but, i didnt gain much size on Prop.....

    I agree tho, DBol makes me feel pretty good too, just the size makes me feel more powerful......dont really know why.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    something i've heard.......i'm not too knowledgable on this but, i think the different steroids excite different receptors or something like that so....wouldnt doing Susp then Test E just be hitting the same receptor?.......wouldnt doing DBol with Test E be exciting two different receptors?.....
    i'm not sure about this, but just something i've heard of and given thought to

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    ill go with test susp about receptors of coarse both test susp & test e will hit the androgen receptors

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i've never taken Susp before, so....i'm not really sure how that will do with the Test E.....i just didn't know if hitting the same receptors meant that the Test E kick wont be as big as if i did DBol instead..... does Susp make you feel? do you retain as much or more water than DBol?........even tho this can be countered with Anti-E's or an AI

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by FiveNine
    alright, to start out, even tho i am new at this forum, i am not new to gear...

    i have taken many different steroids......test enan, prop, deca, eq, win, dbol, tren.....

    i am 5'9" (hence the name), weight-approx 200 LBS. with 11% BF.....

    and i am planning a more simple cycle with less substances that i plan to look something like this.....

    W: 1-4 DBol or Test Susp (Need Help Deciding) - DBol 50mg/day.....Test Susp 100mg/2x-3x/day
    W: 1-10 Tren A - 75mg/day....may increase the dosage
    W: 1-14 Test E - 750mg/week

    I have all the Anti-e's and PCT and Vits in order too so dont worry about that.....

    when took Tren, i took it with Prop but never Test E or DBol.......
    The gains were very lean and i kept most of them, but if i take it with Test E or DBol, I'm going to assume i'll get quite a bit of size....

    But I'm just wondering what may be better to kickstart this cycle with.....

    I've done a lot of reading up on DBol and Susp and they seem to have similar results.........water retention, good strength gains, fast acting.....

    With this cycle I'm trying to gain some size, but I would prefer to not get extremely bloated....

    any advise would be appreciated....

    ive never ran test suspension, but i can say from personal experience that dbol is strong, and it kicks in right quick. imo, you cant go wrong with a dbol kickstart

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by FiveNine
    i've never taken Susp before, so....i'm not really sure how that will do with the Test E.....i just didn't know if hitting the same receptors meant that the Test E kick wont be as big as if i did DBol instead..... does Susp make you feel? do you retain as much or more water than DBol?........even tho this can be countered with Anti-E's or an AI

    i would guess that dbol would cause more water retention, but like i said, ive never ran suspension, so i cant talk from first hand experience

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i know personally that DBol is very strong and kicks in very fast...
    But I am aware that Susp has many of the same qualities of DBol...
    Since both give similar results as a kickstarter, i'm just trying to see if one or the other would have even any small qualities that may work better in this particular cycle.... for water retention, DBol didn't blow me up too bad, so i doubt i would have trouble keeping the bloat down with Susp....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Also, may i add that this summer I will be playing baseball for my college's summer squad.....

    i took the spring semester off to work, so I am not playing for their actual team, but they put together a team in the summer to give the players extra time......

    this team doesnt have any regulations as far as taking steroids goes so... i dont worry about detection times or anything like that......

    i'm just giving these details incase it may mean something

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I'd kickstart it with prop, but that's b/c I love prop. But to answer your quest. I'd go with the susp. It's just personal opinion, but I prefer it to dbol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i agree that Prop is good.....
    im just looking for something that will give me a little more size and mass...

    if DBol, Tren and Test E were all to be working at once, what effects would that give, in my mind i think that would be pretty nice

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    kick starting with dbol is never a bad way to go.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by FiveNine
    i agree that Prop is good.....
    im just looking for something that will give me a little more size and mass...

    if DBol, Tren and Test E were all to be working at once, what effects would that give, in my mind i think that would be pretty nice

    hell yea bro, dbol tren and test e would give you dramatic gains

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dbol/Prop/Tren A.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Dbol/Prop/Tren A.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ......that sounds good too.....
    ......i may do susp just cuz i havent done it before and would like to see the results......
    .......and i may make a log of the cycle on this forum somewhere just to show the results, cuz i havent seen much in the way of susp cycles......

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