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Thread: Long term small dose of Dianabol

  1. #1

    Long term small dose of Dianabol

    I started taking dianabol about 8 months ago to primarily increase my muscle mass and strength. Over the course of 3 weeks my dose went from one tablet (5mg) to 4 tablets. The first week of the smaller dose made me feel great. I started to feel more confident and it seemed to also make me feel more focused. However when I started to increase my dose I felt uncomfortable with the changes to emotion that it it brought. I was getting feeling signs of increased aggression not to mention the boost in my libido. So I decided after this small period of time that larger doses of this drug was not suitable for me. Instead of knocking the whole idea on the head I decided to reduce my does to 1 tablet a day, splitting it into 2.5mg and taking half in the morning and half before training.

    My bodybuilding friend told me this is ridiculas and that a does this small is not capable of any changes. Is it possible for dianabol to be working on this level?

    Have there been any reports of people staying on this dose for long periods of time because of the emotional gains that they experienced? I suffer from depression and anxiety and sometimes find it extremely hard to get motivated to get down the gym. I find this small does of dianabol gives me this push to want to train and it quashes my anxiety.

    My reason for writing this post to establish wether what I'm doing is in fact harmful to my health physiologically. Am I at risk of damaging my organs even at 2.5 - 5 mg per day.

    Has anyone any explanation to how this is helping me on this level? Your help would be most appreciated.

  2. #2
    i would guess it is a placebo effect...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    dood its not really worth it at that dose.. its large enuff dose to cause suppression, but not strong enuff to warrant the gains vs suppression..

    either do it right or dont do it at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dbol is faily hypatoxic. I have no idea how toxic it is over long peroids. I'm guessing the longer you run it the more hypatoxic it is as your ingesting more of the compound. Their is a thread on 'Dbol as Supplement'. Do a search.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Dbol is faily hypatoxic. I have no idea how toxic it is over long peroids. I'm guessing the longer you run it the more hypatoxic it is as your ingesting more of the compound. Their is a thread on 'Dbol as Supplement'. Do a search.
    that thread is a joke and its not hepatoxic enuff to harm the liver at that dose
    that is like the equivalent of a beer or 2 a day, just because the liver enzymes go up does not indicate damage to the liver.. it just means the liver is in use.

    i have ran some really nice doses for some stupid times and had blood work done and everything was A'oK after just 2 weeks of recoop.

    the liver is a GODLY ORGAN

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    UK -Yorkshire
    if you suffer from depression and anxiety and It's helping being on 5mgs of d-bol daily the main downside i would consider (apart from liver damage) is that you could become mentally dependant on it. d-bol is one of the few steroids that give you a feeling of wellbeing when your on them. so if your suffering from depression are you really going to want to stop feeling good and confident like you do when on it? just ask yourself are you taking it because it makes you feel good or gets you results in training? if It's got nothing to do with results you are seeing in training then stop it and address the underlying problem you have with the proper medication. if you do that you will can get naturally motivated to train without risking your health. hope this helps

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    that thread is a joke and its not hepatoxic enuff to harm the liver at that dose
    that is like the equivalent of a beer or 2 a day, just because the liver enzymes go up does not indicate damage to the liver.. it just means the liver is in use.

    i have ran some really nice doses for some stupid times and had blood work done and everything was A'oK after just 2 weeks of recoop.

    the liver is a GODLY ORGAN
    True - if you look at the studies showing dbol causing liver problems, the patients involved already had compromised organs and were taking dbol for up to years at a time. I'm amazed that it actually didn't cause more problems.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    If you check the dianabol profile on this site, you will see that Hooker included a study where people took 100mgs each day for 5 weeks. At this whopping dose, testosterone production was only suppressed by 40%.

    The late Dr John Ziegler (reator of dianabol) would perscribe it at 5-10mgs each day, but I dotn know how long his treatments would last.

    I beleive that if you are getting bth physical and psychological gains from being on a mere 5mgs D, then go for it. Make sure you get blood tests done ever 4 to 6 weeks so that you can keep track of your health

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Milky87
    If you check the dianabol profile on this site, you will see that Hooker included a study where people took 100mgs each day for 5 weeks. At this whopping dose, testosterone production was only suppressed by 40%.

    The late Dr John Ziegler (reator of dianabol) would perscribe it at 5-10mgs each day, but I dotn know how long his treatments would last.

    I beleive that if you are getting bth physical and psychological gains from being on a mere 5mgs D, then go for it. Make sure you get blood tests done ever 4 to 6 weeks so that you can keep track of your health
    wanna know something neat.. i got a buddy who ran dbol only cycle.. REALLY **** him up LOL
    when he came off w/ O pct he was so suppressed he had the test of a 12 year old chica. doc had to put him on hcg and other HRT. i laff at him now.
    of course he DID recover...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    use 10mg dianabol in the am with an arimidex or femara at night. take milk thistle at night.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    well put

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    dood its not really worth it at that dose.. its large enuff dose to cause suppression, but not strong enuff to warrant the gains vs suppression..

    either do it right or dont do it at all.
    well put.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    of course he DID recover...
    Isn't the body a wonderful set of systems?


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